I miss massage!

Ugh... lately my body is totally not feeling well! I get tired so easily and my shoulders are so often painful =(
This really makes me want to go home and have a full body massage! How I wish my home is only so close to me =(

UK is back to a series of gloomy days lately. It rains rains and rains a lot! The temperature also gets colder... it really does not feel like spring at all! But, hey, life goes on!

After the 'false' positive a few weeks ago, I was quite down and sad. My body was in a mess too... but I guess I can do nothing about it. It was just not our time yet. It brought me back to the reality that I wanted it too much that I became obsessed and I felt disappointed too easily. Life does not always go my way...

Yeah I should've remembered that before feeling all ugly and sad like that. =(

Anyhow, this month will be super duper busy for me... Things just keep piling on top of my list and I have been procrastinating a lot lately. Blah... that's for being a lazy me. It's time to catch up (but I really don't feel like it :p).

Well, I really hope this month going well for you guys.


  1. hope the same for you 2 sher :)

  2. gw juga demen massage dan kangen juga....kita ke thailand yuukkk... pijit :)

  3. Lho, di sana kaga ada tempat massage gitu kah??

    Aku se terakhir massage Desember kemarin jadi lumayan lah. Waktu itu, terakhir massage-nya sekitar 4 tahun sebelumnya tuh jadi begitu massage langsung uenak banget, hihihi :)

  4. Sher ko sama si, dari kemaren pengen massage juga, tapi daku malas jalannya ke tempat massage, which is only 5 mins away from my place :o

    Minta Lan yg kasih massage aja Sher :))

  5. minta lan pijitin.. hahaha...

    gua juga berharap bulan ini bisa jadi bulan yang menyenangkan... so far belum as good as expected soalnya. heheeh.

  6. tenang Nie , sabar2 aja jgn senewen
    hidup ini emang kae rollercoaster naek turun , dijalanin aja (sok tau mode on) ha22
    yah udah pijetan dulu aja biar oto2 pada longgor jadi santai , ntar aku kirimin roti , kwetiaw & mie skutel yg br aku bikin hua222

  7. I wish you all the best and suggest you to take a full body massage at the end of this month, weather is also going to change i hope it will be good for you.:)

  8. I want a massage too! :D huaa.... :'( Hope this month gonna be better Sher.. inget ga taon lalu aku jg pernah share ttg hal ini ke kamu, hehe.. sampe skr masi blon jg. Tp tetep faithful & believe the right time will come soon. Sedih ya pasti tiap bulan, but life must go on; pasti nti dapet yg terbaik pd waktu yg terbaik. in the meantime, enjoy the time berdua dgn Lan dulu, kl dah punya anak, susah loh ntar. hehe...koq masi dingin ya di sana, anehh..

  9. Di sana ada Thai Massage nggak, Sher? Lumayan lah, buat keadaan darurat. ;-)

    Coba dulu yang 1 jam.
    Lumayan, Sher.

  10. iya Sher , coba cari Thai massage say , lumayan enak kayak di pijit di indonesia loh ..atau kalau nggak minta di pijitin lan :)

  11. Mahal ya Sher di England? Di tempatku $ 70.00 Minggu lalu baru massage, dpt voucher dari misua. Aku merasa aman massage disini karena mereka sekolah 2 th, tahu human anatomy.

    Aku ketinggalan berita eh kayaknya...False positive ttg pregnancy ya? Dibawak nyantai aja..masih muda belia gitu.

  12. Pssstt I saw Massage Liability Insurance's comment; I hope they will give you a massage's voucher hihihi

  13. Sher, how's Lan? Hope he'll get well soon yah.. Kamu take care jg. Akhir2 ini banyak bgt yg kena flu yah, ga di sini, di Indo, di US, di UK jg. Anaknya temenku kena flu singapore di Indo; kaya semacem HFMD; kasian bgt sampe ga bisa makan krn virusnya udah ke tenggorokan & mulut. duuu.. jaga kesehatan Sher, makan buah yg banyak yah.. GBU.

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