Where has time gone?! I can't believe that we've been married for 3 years today! I guess it's true that life goes fast when you are having fun ;)

Just like anybody else's, our marriage has never been easy. Lots of friction and fights every now and then as well as some misunderstanding. Since we both communicate not in our first languages, things get complicated sometimes. But, we went through that and still keep helping each other to improve and be better for each other. Each day, I realise it more and more that I am super blessed to be married to such a wonderful man!

Here is to my handsome and beloved hubbie!
Happy 3rd annivesary, Hun!
I give thanks to The Lord for having you in my life.
I pray that each day I be a better wife to you and for you.
Love you always!


  1. happy 3rd anniversary yak nie... semoga kedepannya lebih baek dan lagi dan lagi... awet2 sampe kakek nenek.... truz siapa tau nanti masing2 udah bisa saling ngomong bahasa ibu yak... kan klop hehehe :)

  2. happy 3rd anniversary ya buat Sher and Lan.
    gong xi2! hehehe..

  3. happy anniversary ...

    Moga2 cinta kalian selalu di berkati dan dalam kasih-Nya, amen

  4. happy anniversary yah Nie !

  5. Happy 3rd anniversary Sher & Lan!

  6. whohohohooo, that's true... time flies!
    happy 3rd anniversary, dear,..GBU always...

  7. happy anniversary to sher and lan :D
    gua juga gak berasa udah 5 taon ajah, semoga selalu mesra yaaa :)

  8. Gak kerasa ya hehe

    Semoga langgeng terus.

  9. Wuih, cepet amat ya tiba2 uda 3 tahun.

    Selamat yaaa, mudah2an langgeng2 terus dan semua yg diharapkan cepat terkabul!! :)


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