Finally home!

Phew! After so many delays and awesome few days in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur with Papi and Mami, I am finally home in Denpasar last night! I had a great time having private holiday with just my parents, something that rarely happens!

I am missing Lan terribly here... but hey, time flies and soon I'd be in his arms again ;) I also miss my scrapbooking communities and my scrapping time too! But I am making sure that I take lots of pictures of my family to be scrapped when I get back to UK. =)
I am well, but tired with all the travelling. Thank God that, on my Colombo-Singapore flight, Emirates upgraded my seat into the business class! What a treat!!!

OH well, I guess I shall enjoy my holiday as much as I can. Eat good food, love my family and pray for my dearest husband. Eat, love, pray! ;)

That's all for now, friends! God bless!


  1. awww... that's so sweet having a holiday with ur parents.. =) can't wait to see the pics, in the meantime, enjoy it Sher... jd kangen makan makanan bali. hehe.. salam untuk papi mamimu ya.

    Waktu di colombo sempet delay brp lama sher? thx God duduk di business class. hehe

  2. met holiday yah sher.... enjoy it yach...
    asik skali dpt duduk di business class :D

  3. how was your KL trip, dear?

  4. wah.. asik donk di bali sher :D
    happy private moments with your paretns ya.. tenang lan gak kemana2 kok :)

  5. enaknya udah ditengah keluarga papi n mami .
    enjoy your holiday Nie !
    oh iya dpt upgrade klas di emirates wowww asik deh .

  6. Waaah asyik diupgrade ke business class !

    Enjoy your vacation.

  7. enaknya yang pulkam , enjoy your holiday yah .
    btw gw juga baru dari bali kemaren , emang bali is the best :D


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