Why don't we resize the rings?

A few of you asked why, instead of resizing our rings, we are buying a new pair of wedding bands. Well, both of our original wedding bands are engraved on the inside of each other's name and our wedding date. So, it's difficult to resize it without doing any damage to the engraving.
And, on the other hand, who could resist a new pair of wedding bands, right!? Hehehe...

I am super excited for Saturday. We won't be celebrating the anniversary tomorrow (2nd), but on Saturday (3rd). Simply because, since we already bought the tickets to watch Eclipse on Saturday, might as well make it a special occasion. Nice lunch and then go to the cinema. :)

It's a short post today. I am planning to blog again tomorrow :D


  1. And, on the other hand, who could resist a new pair of wedding bands, right!? Hehehe...

    Right! hahaha

    have fun ya with the anniversary celebration!! :)

  2. Oh thanks God aku ke blogmu hari ini...Aku lupa ultah perkawinanku besok hwaaaaa lupa sama sekali. Matik aku kalo th ini lupa lagi, th lalu aku lupa haaaaaa

    Happy anniversary ya, Sher...langgeng selalu sampe tua

  3. hahahahahaha sekalian nonton twilight nih ya... duh aku jadi kepengen ke jkt buat nonton hehehehe :) maklum disini ga ada bioskop.. :)
    btw soal cincin, kmrn dikasi cincin sama cowo ku sebagai hadiah ultah, cincinnya kekecilan... hari nih dia tukerin...tapi katanya ga bisa diresize, paling cari model laen yang lebih gede... *berharap juga dapetnya yang berliannya gede* hahaha :)

  4. Huehehe.. bener2 Sher, kalo bisa get a new ring, why not yah? huehehe...

    Ditunggu review Eclipse-nya ya. have fun!

  5. why difficult to resize it without doing any damage to the engraving ????


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