
...makes your heart grow fonder.
- [c 1850 in T. H. Bayly Isle of Beauty (rev. ed.) iii.]

Is that true?! I hope so. :)
I'm going home on Thursday, yeah 22nd July 2010. However, I'm going home alone. Lan would love to come, but he cannot - more like he is not allowed. His final PhD deadline is coming up fast. 6th December 2010 is the LAST day he is allowed to submit his thesis in order to get the PhD title. If he fails to do so, all these 4 years will come to NOTHING.

Well, I wasn't planning for a holiday this summer, but I was persuaded by my parents. They kept asking EVERY single day for us to go home and they know I was so stressed, hence, I decided to go after Lan gave the permission.

I'll be away for 3 weeks and coming back on 13th August 2010. I find it this time to be much harder than the previous time I went home alone, though it's much much shorter. But, tickets are bought, so I'd have to drag myself if I have to.

See you when I see you ;)


  1. Jah..duluan dia ternyata pulkam :D And sama..aku juga sendirian huhuhu berat....

  2. wah asiknya nih pulkam.. have fun ya!!!

  3. Asyikknya pulangg... have an awesome time with your fam. ya Sher. =) nti balik UK ready to go with your next driving lesson yah. hihihih...

  4. wahh pualng lagi Nie ? lgs to bali toh ?
    ga ke JKt ?

  5. wuahhh senangnya pulang kampung...kabarin yak nie kalo dah di indo.. :)

  6. wah..asik donk sher pulkam :D
    puas2in makan ya hehehe..

  7. Enjoy your vacation, Sher! Jangan lupa dipijit! :-D

  8. waaa, enaknya mau pulkam, hehehe...

    Enjoy your pulkam time :-D Ke Bali aja nih??

  9. horeee!
    see you soon, Sherly!


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