Unusual Winter

Winter has come wayyyyyyy early this year to UK. It's way COLDER than I've experienced and it's more SUNNY!! We get to see more sunshine than ever this winter, but it's way colder and frostier than ever!
It feels so icy no matter how much clothes I wear... And it seems that it might snow badly this year. Let's see what will happen. I am just glad that it's not a wet rainy and gloomy winter! I love the sun!

I am aware that I haven't shared anything about my birthday celebration, yeah I've been too lazy hehehe... and been doing a lot of assignments marking as well as debugging.
It was a simple celebration. We went for a delicious dinner and Lan bought me a beautiful cake, which mostly ended up in his stomach LOL! He gave me a Swarovski crown pendant that I had been wanting. Mama Papa bought me the awesome Bamboo Pen Tablet, which I have been using generously for my scrapping hobby. I got a special phone call from my family in Bali and lots of birthday wishes from friends near and far.

It was a beautiful day to remember :)

Onto another topic, Lan will be submitting his thesis THIS Friday! And then, he will be waiting for his viva's date to be confirmed by his external examiner. I know he will be fine, for The Lord is with him! Amen!

Well, that's it for now. God bless you all!


  1. disini juga nih sher...
    belakangan ini dinginnya ampun2... rasanya taun lalu gak sedingin ini pas november gini...

  2. kok bisa colder and sunny sher? bukannya kalo sunny mestinya gak gitu dingin ya? gua liat di tv sih emang musim dingin kali ini katanya datang lebih cepat dan lebih dingin..

  3. wahh alamat bad weather lagi , tp taun lalu jg dingin banget kan . cuman beda skrg ada matahari ya ? aneh jg ya !
    wuah senengnya banyak hadiah .. he22

  4. Gimana December ntar ya....

    Eh aku dah ngucapin belum sih? Happy birthday ya...All the best

  5. winter ternyata: dingiiiin!!! :)

  6. Kalau matahari bersinar, biasanya ya nggak berawan. Kalau nggak berawan, ya biasanya dingiiiin. Hihihi...
    Tapi semoga kalian tetap sehat, dan terutama kulitmu ya, Sher.

    Good luck buat Lan!


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