
Showing posts from October, 2005


When I was at home, we took several family photos. This particular one was taken in Hard Rock Cafe, Kuta, when we were having lunch with a family friend. We also got some studio photos taken, which at first turned out to be a complete disaster, since my little brother played with his dumb looks! Luckily enough, the photographer was a kind gentleman. He gave us the chance to re-do the photos again. That means, we had to dress up again *since we already changed to a normal outfit* So before and during the second retake, we continuously warned Han-han (my little bro, red.) to not do the dumb expressions again. Otherwise... *grins* I really thank God, it's a Friday again! Yeah! I can't actually believe that it's already Friday again. Time really flies like rocket huh? I am, at the moment, enjoying suffering my time doing programmings. It is hard to get used to, since it is so different to Mathematics. Usually, when I was doing Maths, I would be actively copying what the lectur...

Missing you...

Denpasar - Bali 06 August 2005 - 10 August 2005 Yeah... I am missing you, sist! I still remember those several days we spent together... Do you know? How happy I was when you came for real to my house?! When we ate till we felt like bursting out... When we walked and sat and sun-bathed in Kuta beach... When we talked for hours in the nights... When you slept up-side-down? Yeah... I remember them well... Time passes and life moves on... But our memories will stay fresh in our minds. I was sad when you left... Don't know when we will meet again... I am sure we will, anyway... Been seven years, sist... And our bond still getting stronger... This friendship and sisterhood of ours... Beautifully knitted by The Lord's hands. I miss you, sist... Do you? I'm sure you do. :) God bless and take a good care, sist! Until we meet again... I love you! Note: we took this photo before we left my house to take her to the airport...

Enaknya jadi superstar...

Huehuehue... I am exagerating with the title there! Tapi emang bener euy! Enak lho jadi the only girl in the course! Yup yup, akhirnya aku tahu juga... setelah semua mahasiswa digabungin jadi satu (karena ada 2 rute di semester pertama Master Computer Science), ternyata dari 11 murid yang ada, akulah the superstar si cewek sendiran :D Enaknya adalah... mereka sangat baik hati padaku *hohoho...* Jadi ceritanya nih, minggu kemaren, aku stress berat karena ada satu assignment utk Java language program, yang aku sama sekali ga bisa... Akhirnya, setelah bercakap2 bersama para cowok-cowok dan mengatakan bahwa saya belum mampu menyelesaikan tugas tersebut, mereka dengan sukarelanya mau membantu diriku. Hehehehe... Jadinya tugas tersebut aku tuntaskan dengan bantuan dari para cowok-cowok. Senangnyahhhhh!!! Hanya saja, sayangnya... tidak ada satupun dari mereka yang bisa dijadikan pemandangan indah di saat-saat membosankan di dalam kelas. *sigh* Jadi ya beginilah... minggu kemaren was very ver...

Salah bulan!

Kemaren ada kejadian yang benar-benar lucu deh yaa.... Jam wekerku berbunyi jam 7 kurang 10 menit... berhubung kuliahku mulai jam 9, maka aku harus bangun 2 jam sebelumnya. Trus tiba-tiba ada SMS masuk di handphone-ku. SMS itu isinya menyuruhku untuk bangun dan mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun . Tentu saja aku yang masih ngantuk-ngantuk itu sempat terpekur... "Selamat ulang tahun? Emangnya sekarang ini bulan apa yah? Oktober bukan?," aku membatin dalam hati. Saat aku sadar bahwa aku tidak salah bulan, aku tertawa di dalam hati. Wah sepertinya si pengirim itu sedang ngelamun! Akhirnya aku pun bersiap untuk segera berangkat kuliah. Saat aku duduk di bis menuju kampus, kubalas SMSnya... "Hei, thanks for waking me up, but, btw, sebenernya sekarang ini bulan Oktober atau November sih? Sejak kapan ultahku dimajukan satu bulan?" Ternyata, tak lama kemudian handphoneku bergetar. Ah, ternyata si pengirim SMS! Dia maluuuuuuuuuuu!!! Hahahaha... Alasannya sih karena dia lagi str...

The fourth Week

Yeehaaaa!!! I am in my fourth week of first semester now! A third-way to the holiday! Hehehe... I know you all will say, "Hey! You just started Uni again, how come you are already thinking about Christmas holiday?!" Hehehe... because I do! *grin* I am actually very very excited for the coming holiday! Why? Because I want to go to BRIGHTON!! Yeah... I miss my family so much, so the best escape will be visiting my brother :) I can't wait to there, because a lot of people say it is a beautiful place! I have seen some photos that my bro took, they even made more excited to go there! Haha... Right now I am feeling a bit odd uncomfortable with the lectures that I have... Yeah it is a truly advantage being the only female in the group! But still... they are all boys *sigh* I had a busy weekend... I tried to do as much as I could with my homework and I am very happy with what I did over the weekend. The weather aren't too bad either lately... not too cold and NOT rainy! *Tha...

Aku Sudah Belajar...

Aku sudah belajar bahwa... Tidak selamanya hidup ini indah Kadang Tuhan mengizinkan aku melalui lembah derita Tetapi aku tahu bahwa Ia tak pernah meninggalkanku Sebab itu aku akan selalu bergembira. Aku sudah belajar bahwa... Tidak semua yang kuharapkan akan menjadi kenyataan Kadang Tuhan membelokkan rencanaku Tetapi aku tahu bahwa itu lebih baik dari apa yang kurencanakan Sebab itu aku akan selalu bergembira. Aku sudah belajar bahwa... Pencobaan itu pasti datang di dalam hidupku Dan aku tidak mungkin berkata "Tidak, Tuhan!" Karena aku tahu bahwa itu tidak melampaui kekuatanku Sebab itu aku akan selalu bergembira. Aku sudah belajar bahwa... Tidak ada kejadian yang harus disesali dan ditangisi Karena semua rancangan-Nya indah bagiku Maka aku akan bersyukur dan bergembira di dalam segala perkara Karena bergembira adalah resep jitu yang aku dapatkan dari firman-Nya. by. Unknown Weekend is here again... only a few weeks left until Christmas and new year. It's like time is cha...

Fallen Leaves... New Hopes Will Grow

[A thought] As I was walking across the parking lots of the University to the bus stop, I stepped on piles of fallen leaves with different brown colours... Some light browns, some dark browns, some yellowy browns and some greenish... As I moved forward, wind blew other leaves separating them from the branches they were attached to. It was like walking in a rain of leaves. This happens every year; every autumn; in between late September and November. And the trees become 'bald', leafless... Not really a pleasant scenery, really! A bunch of trees in the park without any leaves, but I think, if they (the trees, I mean) were given choices, they will still choose this way... Being bald in the autumns and winters. Yet... they won't be stay bald for the rest of their lives! When winter passed away, spring comes! New buds around the branches, new leaves grow gracefully... a sign of a new growth, a new life, a new glory! In the middle of spring, they will be ready... trees full of l...

Happy Birthday, Bro!

I remember the time we were little... Laughing, crying, fighting with each other... It was moments to remember. And I will always remember! Now that you are grown up, I am glad we have a strong bond. sibling-hood and good friend! I am thankful for you! I am blessed by God with your presence in my life! Thank you... For listening to me. For the times together. For the things we learnt. Thank you... for being my brother! Happy birthday, bro! Happy 19th birthday! May it be a blessed and a sweet one! Love Your sist.

Deepest Condolesence

Tadi pagi aku dapat e-mail dari salah seorang teman SMPku... Ia mengatakan bahwa salah satu teman SMP kami menjadi korban bom Bali II itu... Hikssssssss!!! Aku SEDIHHH!! Edwin Sindhu... kiranya kamu diterima di sisi Yang Maha Kuasa dan bisa beristirahat dengan tenang di sana... Amin. Lalu... Aku! Aku sibuknya ampunnnnnnn!!! My assignments are piling up in front of my face! Hiks hiks... Anybody wants to help me? Anybody wants to wake me up every morning to get ready for lectures? Or maybe... anybody wants to replace me? Hahaha.... Ya sudah... itu sajah postingan kali ini :D God bless!

And Again?!

Hayah hayah! Ampir aja HP kulempar tuh pas baca SMS dari Yulia, my bestest friend, di Jakarta! Pertama sempet ga percaya kalo itu bom lage! Tapi ya... begitu buka, lemes lah dirikuh! Beneran ik! Akhirnya, aku ngirim SMS ke ortu, eh malah bikin resah! Soalnya biasanya cepet banget dapet balesan, ini koq ga dibales-bales toh yo?! *bingung, resah, khawatir* *fiuhh....* Aku baru lega begitu ngeliat nicknya Mamiku nyala di Yahoo! Messenger! Rasanya legaaaaaa banget! Ternyata, pas bom itu meledak, mereka lagi tenang-tenang makan di Pizza Hut! Dan sebelumnya itu sempet lagi belanja and dapet hadiah lucky prize kipas angin! Nah lho!? Pas kutanya, ternyata, ada sekitar 6 atau 7 ledakan terjadi! Di antaranya di Hotel Four Season dan Westin (Nusa Dua) *ini yang pertama*, lalu di 2 kafe pinggir pantai Jimbaran, di Nusa Dua, deket Uluwatu. Trus yang paling parah, katanya, di Radja Restaurant, di kompleks pertokoan Kuta Square. *that's a pity! I haven't tried to eat in that resto :...