Happy Birthday, Bro!

I remember the time we were little...
Laughing, crying, fighting with each other...
It was moments to remember.
And I will always remember!

Now that you are grown up,
I am glad we have a strong bond.
sibling-hood and good friend!

I am thankful for you!
I am blessed by God with your presence in my life!

Thank you...
For listening to me.
For the times together.
For the things we learnt.

Thank you... for being my brother!
Happy birthday, bro!
Happy 19th birthday!
May it be a blessed and a sweet one!

Your sist.


  1. happy b'day buat your bro sherly ...wish him panjang umur and sukses sellau ...

    and turut berduka cita buat temennya sherly

  2. met ultah buat bro-nya sherly.. Tuhan memberkati!

  3. Happy Bday buat bro-nya Shirley juga yah..may God always lead him in everything he does..

  4. happy b'day buat bronya sherly yach:) hehhehe...dapet salam dari anak imut lucu dan menggemaskan.GUbraks!!!!!

    God Bless Sist:)

  5. hepi b'day buat brothernya sherly smoga..smogaa...sehat selaluu ;)

  6. met ulangtaun ya buat ade mu..
    wish u a lot of luck..

  7. Truly...I envy you...
    4 my 'sibling-hood' it's not a thing to remind of...
    Can something that started bad, ended good? :(


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