
Showing posts from April, 2006

Quick one...

H ola everyone! Thanks so much for your effort to keep visiting my blog while I was on hiatus. I can't say that I'm back yet... but I thought it would be nice to just post a quick news about me. I am still here... the second essay is finished, but I am still struggling to get my programming assignment done. So that's what I am busy at right now... Plus , I will be having four exams from 08th May 2006 until 19th May 2006 , so you can expect me to not posting here too often until then. After that, on 22nd May 2006 , I'll have to start my final dissertation... Hopefully, by then, I'll be more relaxed than now. So... apologize for not being able to visit you all too often. But for now, I will 'steal' some time to visit you around. Until the next one! Update: Blogwalking around is finished! Fiuh... around 3 hours visiting back all those addresses. Hopefully, soon, I'll be able to visit you all again one by one. As part of you has grown in me. And so you s...

259th posting

O ne essay finished at 4 a.m. this morning with 3986 words in total! *sleepy* Another one to be started tonight! so... HIATUS mode: ON! ^^;

lucky stars

A khirnya ludes sudah kertas lipat yang dikirim mamiku dalam jangka waktu kurang dari seminggu! Sayangnya jumlahnya kurang, jadinya botolku hanya terisi separuh. *Ada yang mau nyumbang ngirim? Karena aku tahu di sini tidak ada yang jual kertas lipat yang seperti itu, adanya yang bujur sangkar saja* So, here is the picture. Gak terlalu jelas sih, tapi ya kanggo lah ya hehe... Tak terasa sudah 2/3 dari liburanku terlewati, tugas belum semuanya tuntas, tapi mata terasa penat karena harus membaca banyak jurnal dan buku tebal untuk mencari data... *sob* Jadi minggu depan, bakal full time doing homework deh! Tadi *jumat* aku bereksperimen di dapur. Bikin brownies... belum aku coba sih rasanya bagaimana kue yang baru keluar dari oven itu, tapi waktu mengaduk adonan, rasanya sudah pas. Aku bikin kue dalam rangka ultah si Lan tanggal 13 kemarin. Kebetulan dia sudah kembali dari Cambridge, jadi besok aku akan berkunjung ke tempatnya dengan membawa kue brownies dan hadiah ulang tahunnya . Semog...

A Special Prayer

No fancy present I have for your special day... Nor a factory-made card to give you... Not that I don't care enough... A special prayer I would like to give you; That wisdom and blessings of God are poured out from the heaven above... That everlasting love, joy and peace shower each of your days... And that my Lord, Jesus Christ, guides and takes care of you wherever you may go. Jesus loves you! And so do I. :D Happy birthday, Lan! U nfortunately, the birthday boy has to spend his day on the train coming back to Liverpool from Cambridge with his friends. Well, I hope he gets back safely. Untuk beberapa hari ini bakal away from blogwalking, karena mau fokus untuk ngerjain essay (Clustering algorithms & Buchi Automata) *anybody wants to help?!* So... for those that celebrate it, I would like to say: Have a blessed Easter! May the joy of His resurrection fill your hearts and strengthen your faith! God bless you all! Thank you, Jesus, for loving me.


Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate. - Albert Schweitzer Ps. Lagi males posting... lagi seneng-senengnya bikin lucky star *origami* karena baru dikirimi kertas lipatnya sama Mami. Huhuhu... Emang hobi :P Tapi bukan itu aja dink... lagi ngumpulin data untuk nyelesaiin dua essay. Wish my luck yah :)

God's Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes, which God gave me to hold. He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box, and all your joys in the gold." I heeded His words, and in the two boxes, Both my joys and sorrows I stored, But though the gold became heavier each day, The black was as light as before. With curiosity, I opened the black, I wanted to find out why. And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole, which my sorrows had fallen out by. I showed the hole to God, and mused, "I wonder where my sorrows could be!" He smiled a gentle smile and said, "My child, they're all here with me..." I asked God, why He gave me the boxes, why the gold and the black with the hole? "My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, the black is for you to let go." Life is too short for us to linger on our sorrows. Instead, enjoy to the best of it.

Naughty Habit(s)

D apet PR dari miss YuLie tentang kebiasaan bandel diriku. Hmm... *garuk-garuk kepala* apa ya kebiasaan bandelku? Well, let's see! Tidur dan bangun sangat telat! Yang ini bener-bener parah banget. Maksud hati tidur teratur, paling telat jam 11 sudah ngorok dan bangun pagi-pagi. Tapi always and always, baru tidur lewat dari jam 12 malem dan bangun as late as I can. Sampe-sampe si doi ngomel-ngomel. Aku dapet julukan 'extremely lazy girl' dari dia, tp toh aku cuek bebek ajah. Huhuhu... dasar Sherly! Ini belum lagi kalo mamiku tahu, wah, bisa panas kupingku diomelin terus, kekeke... Bangun tidur kuterus... turn ON my laptop. Mungkin yang ini bagi orang-orang yg sepertiku merasa kebiasaan yg satu ini normal-normal sajah. Tapi bagi ortu, beberapa teman serta si doi, ini sangat-sangatlah annoying. Kekekeke... Malah kadang sebelum mandi dan bersiap kuliah, aku sempatkan dahulu chatting dengan teman di Y!M dan MSN. Minum teh di malam hari Aku doyan banget minum teh yang kental. N...

Alton Towers

I would say yesterday was "a day of disasters and adventures" . Believe it or not, there were so many things happened to make the day felt worse and worse! It started with Lan , who forgot to bring his Y-P Rail Card , and had to pay the normal price to avoid being fined on the train. Then, our first train to Crewe was delayed for 15 minutes and we missed the second train and had to wait for another hour to our destination. *just great* It made me wonder... 'Will we get to the themepark at all today?!' After an hour wait, finally we got on the train to the final destination. However... when we get there, we found out that the bus to go to Alton Towers will not arrive until an hour later. Arrrggghhh... some more waitingggggggggg!!! There was no toilet, no warm place and the wind was so cold and strong. I felt that it was a complete disaster and the whole day was ruined. We were planning to get to the themepark in the morning, so we can make the most of it, but it...


I experienced panic attack this afternoon. Just after coming back from Church, my friend said 'hello' to me through MSN. He asked me how I am doing and so so... until it got to the point where he asked me what I am doing for the holiday *Yey! I have 3 weeks holiday this month! * I told him that tomorrow, I am going to Alton Towers , the most famous themepark in UK . And here is where the panic attack came... I thought, Alton Towers is in Blackpool. However, the fact is that it is not in Blackpool (although there is a themepark, too, in Blackpool.) What am I to do?! I already bought the tickets; both the themepark tickets and the train tickets! Out of my desperation and my embarrassment, I sent a text message to Lan *since I am going with him, tomorrow*, after trying to call his room and nobody picked up the phone. Within a minute, he was online in Y!M . He was in his friend's place. So I talked to him and kept saying: "I FEEL SO DUMB!" (until it got to a poi...