I experienced panic attack this afternoon. Just after coming back from Church, my friend said 'hello' to me through MSN. He asked me how I am doing and so so... until it got to the point where he asked me what I am doing for the holiday *Yey! I have 3 weeks holiday this month!* I told him that tomorrow, I am going to Alton Towers, the most famous themepark in UK.
And here is where the panic attack came... I thought, Alton Towers is in Blackpool. However, the fact is that it is not in Blackpool (although there is a themepark, too, in Blackpool.) What am I to do?! I already bought the tickets; both the themepark tickets and the train tickets! Out of my desperation and my embarrassment, I sent a text message to Lan *since I am going with him, tomorrow*, after trying to call his room and nobody picked up the phone.
Within a minute, he was online in Y!M. He was in his friend's place. So I talked to him and kept saying: "I FEEL SO DUMB!" (until it got to a point where he replied: "Luckily you realized that!" *great!*). Good thing that we still can get 'cheap' train tickets (well, the cheapest ones we can get anyway!), which I bought through the Internet. In addition, I can refund the tickets to Blackpool, with a £ 5.00 fine . *still better than nothing*

Oh God... I don't know what's wrong with me these days! Is my brain really damaged?! Coz I don't usually make this kind of mistakes.
Still, I thank God that I found out about this today. I really can't imagine what it would be if we don't find out until tomorrow...

The moral of the story: Please learn from my mistake, will ya? So you don't have to feel so dumb like I do right now.

God bless you all! Have a great week ahead!


  1. pelajar memang guru yg terbaik sih, sher. aku sedang berusaha keras belajar dari kesalahan. tapi kok susah yak..kesalahan minjamin duit ke etman, gak ada yg bayar...eeee minjamin lagi. duh

  2. Hehe.. ko bisa ampe gitu Sher? Untung bisa dibalikin lagi ya.. kalo di de belum tentu bisa loh dibalikin lagi gitu..

    Yo wis neytnya lebih ati2, hehe.. Sini yuk borong jaket..

  3. untung blom terlambat sher, fokus fokusss, hihihih

  4. *masih membetulkan mata yg terbelalak terlalu besar* abis salah liat dendanya, aku pikir untuk batalin tiket dendanya 500 poundsterling :)) ternyata cuman 5 doang :P
    Maklum baru bangun tidur langsung ol hehehe
    Oh yah, met kenal lagi yah ...

  5. Hahaha ... memangnya lagi mikirin apa saat itu?

  6. masa diri sendiri dibilang dumb? nanti jadi beneran pula...

  7. masa diri sendiri dibilang dumb? nanti jadi beneran pula...

  8. ..sherly,aku ikut dong :)
    masih bisa pesen tiket ga?
    :)) j/k

  9. moga sekarang dah ilang nyeselnya.

  10. Blackpool? pernah liat di tipi Belanda..kayaknya penghuni england jarang yg suka blackpool yak Sher?

    Wuah yg sudah berlalu ya sudah ya Sher..jd pelajaran dr pengalaman..:) Yulia sok tauuuu!! wakakakak..

    Take care :)

  11. cuman mo bilang...
    ganti layout lagi yah :D

  12. ya gitu itu kalo dah punya pacar ... pikirannya suka error ;)

  13. Kdang2 kita make mistake kokk, yg penting kan uda di solve sebelum harinya H-nya =)

  14. Pikirannya kemana toh Shier ??untung gpp...:)

    Shier, kalo mampir kemari harus bilang jauh2 hari sebelonnya ya..soalnya sisca kan terikat jam kerja...lagian jauh dari Paris ...sekitar 700 km

  15. kadang hal itu juga terjadi kok di kehidupan Ummi..he.he...
    soalnya mmi tuh tipe clumsy...
    yg penting tiketnya udah dituker..
    wah senang dong wikennya eeh maaf liburan panjangnya..met liburan yaa

  16. cieeh sherly.. kenya ada yg dipikirin terus2an sih.. jadina ga ngeh.. hihihi...

  17. hehehehe
    belajar merasa bodoh itu perlu lagieee

    supaya tau kalo kita ini masih manusia
    masi lemah

  18. ciee... cie... foto berduanya telah terpasang.. mirip lho Sher :)

    salah itu biasa kok sist, asal jangan dijadikan kebiasaan aja. Yang penting kan tiketnya bisa di-refund. Trus gimana cerita theme park-nya? seru ngga? jangan lupa foto²nya ya :)

  19. weleh.. ngelamun yaa.. ngelamunin siapaa? ^^ hehehehe.. 3 minggu libur... ahhh.. bagi2 dong mbaak.. :p

  20. sometimes kdg memang perlu juga nglamun bgitu sher hihihi biyar natinya lebih ati-ati.
    eh dibawah siapa? aku kok krtinggalan berita niii...


  21. Tenang Nie, bukan kamu sendiri yang pernah bikin kekeliruan seperti itu. Temenku malah pernah sampe ketinggalan pesawat di paris en mesti nginap semalam di sana.

    Happy holiday lah ya.. :)

  22. Is my brain really damaged?!
    wah keknya bukan damaged lagi tuh sher..hehehe..becanda becanda

    btw,..lama gak main kemari, dah ganti aja template..hehehe

    g abis sibuk ama kerjaan nih...tapi skrg semua dah kelar...happy blog lagi deh !!

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