
Showing posts from December, 2006

2007 in my thought

I clicked through my blog yesterday, for the posting throughout 2006, and found that at the beginning of the year my aim for 2006 was to finish my Master degree with a distinction pass. Actually, it was successfully fulfilled. In November, I got the results for my Master course and I jumped with happiness to know that I pass the Master degree with Distinction. (All glory and honour only to Jesus, who gives me the abilities to go through and finish another chapter of life and gives me victory!) So, really, for the last several days of 2006, it is only right if I give thanks continually to my Father in Heaven for all the blessings, joy, peace and love He gave throughout the year. And these thankfulness shall not terminate all the days of my life. So, what's ahead of me? Well... several weeks ago, my plan was to return to UK in December, find a job and to be with Lan. But things change and not all can go according to our desires. Now, the future is completely different from what ...

Several days to 2007

C hristmas has just passed, but I'm still feeling Christmasy. There is nothing fancy about it, but being with my family is something special and rare to experience. There were years, when I was far away and had to celebrate Christmas all by myself (with Jesus, of course!). Everybody knows that year 2007 is only several days away from 2006. As for me, I start to think about I've done for the whole years. Maybe I should reflect by looking back to the postings from January 2006 in my blog. I am quite sure I wrote almost everything in the blog, except for very personal matters. What about you all, my friends? Have any special events to celebrate the New Year's Eve? It's a Sunday, so for me, it's the Church service for sure. *grin* And I know what I want to do for the New Year's Eve... I want to give thanks to my Lord, Jesus Christ, for the whole year 2006, for His blessings, guidance, love and everything. No matter how bad things went and how sad I became at time...

My warmest greetings to you all...

Update: This Christmas, we put up a simple little old white Christmas tree that I got years ago from my grandma. This Christmas, no fancy dinner or cookings. This Christmas, no definite plans for the year ahead. This Christmas, though, I am grateful to celebrate it with my parents and my little siblings. This Christmas, though, I celebrate it with Jesus inside my heart, closer each second. This Christmas, though, Jesus has given me such a sweet gift and many others. And all I want for this Christmas is JESUS. Just HIM, that's all. Have a blessed Christmas, my friends! Rejoice! It's our Jesus' birthday! *hugs*

barbie, starfolding & food

D ays are 'long' for me to still be at home. I am glad that this year I will be able to celebrate Christmas and New Year with my parents and little siblings. It's Jesus' birthday, it's a super special day! And I'm excited to think about that. Move on from that, you might think "What does Sherly do at home?". Well, these days, I am 'busy'. There are many things to do, believe me... *grin* Closer to the holidays, there are many visitors coming, they are usually my parents' friends. In that case, we always try to become a good host for them, we take them around and make sure that they enjoy their stay. With my family's tradition to always go out together, makes me always busy travelling around Denpasar (that means I am bound to be sitting in the car almost the whole day sometimes!). However, when I really do get time to stay at home (i.e., the family is not going anywhere), I will be playing with my little sister or doing origami. Playi...

cium tanah air

H ari ini, aku jatuh di Hard Rock Hotel. Kaki kananku luka-luka semua *hiks* Sakit banget euy! Gara-gara tangganya licin, sakit semua deh... Biru lebam dan merah darah, serta bengkak yang kerasa banget bikin aku ngerasa gak karuan. Blum lagi hatiku rasanya lagi porak poranda... saat ini window MSN ngobrol sama dia masih ter-minimize. Saat hening. Tadi ngobrol pun rasanya masih perih. Dia bilang kita teman baik, tapi apa benar dia sudah merasa demikian di sana? Apa iya teman baik tuh tahu segala-galanya tentang temannya, sampai hal-hal personal? Aku masih merasa miris. Sekalipun aku merasa aku sudah move on, sudah bangkit dari rasa sedih dan sudah bisa rela, tapi hati masih bergejolak. Mungkin aku perlu beberapa saat lagi. Sementara itu... PhD applicationku sudah masuk database mereka dan dalam tahap pemrosesan. Tolong bantu doa ya, friends! Doa untuk kelancaran serta supaya Tuhan Yesus buka pintu untuk sebuah scholarship, karena jujur aja ortuku gak sanggup membiayai aku. Dan masa...


L ama ga pernah dapet 'PR' blog, kali ini, Icha ngasih aku PR. Here we go: 5 Alasan kenapa saya suka blogging: 1. Jadi saluran hobi nulis 2. Jadi salah satu alat untuk aku mencatat serta membagikan betapa Tuhan Yesus itu nyata dalam hidupku 3. Jadi tempat curhat 4. Jadi salah satu buku harian yang bisa aku update dimanapun aku (asal ada internet) 5. Bisa punya banyak teman. 5 tipe blog yang saya sukai: 1. Isinya seru, menguatkan iman dan menarik. 2. Isinya tidak dibuat-buat, alias memang benar-benar terjadi. 3. Tidak terlalu bertele-tele 4. Pemiliknya ramah. 5. Blog contentnya ga terlalu banyak/ yang penting-penting aja. 5 blogs yg paling sering saya kunjungi: (sama kayak Icha :D) 1. Blog sendiri 2. Blog temen2 yg ada di list 3. Blog yg ngasi komen ato ninggalin pesen di shoutbox. 4. Blog yg direkomendasiin temen 5. Blog yg pemiliknya jg sering ngunjungin gw. 5 blogger yg dapet giliran ngerjain PR: Yang ini, sapa aja mau ngerjain boleh deh. :) The tears I cried become diamonds...

After a week

A week has passed away since the tearful moments I had. Yes, I was in shock, too. However, reality wakes me up, this is for real... I'm not dreaming. I guess it's time for... "The Long Goodbye" I know they say if you love somebody You should set them free (so they say) But it sure is hard to do Yeah, it sure is hard to do And I know they say if they don't come back again Then it's meant to be (so they say) But those words ain't pulling me through Cos I'm still in love with you I spend each day here waiting for a miracle But it's just you and me going through the mill (climbin' up a hill) [Chorus] This is the long goodbye Somebody tell me why Two lovers in love can't make it Just what kind of love keeps breaking a heart? No matter how hard I try You're gonna make me cry Come on, baby, it's over, let's face it All that's happening here is a long goodbye Sometimes I ask my heart did we really Give ou...

Another new chapter

H ello all my friends! I am back after hiatus for a while, with a new blog design and new chapter of life... What do I mean by new chapter of life? Well... sadly, Lan and I did not make it through. Due to some personal matters, we agree to be just friends. It is not that we didn't try hard enough, we did... but God's plan says different and we chose to follow. And we are just human, who can feel hurted, sad and broken, it was such a difficult decision that we had to take. So... here I am, all alone again, but with Jesus all around me. I also have decided to postpone my trip back to UK until January. I need some time, to adjust with the lost in my heart and to take care of something. Please, I ask you all kindly, pray so that The Lord strengthen me and also that The Lord opens the door for me for my future. I am planning to find a scholarship/sponsorship so that I can continue to study a PhD in Computer Science. Please... please... please... I need your prayers and support....