barbie, starfolding & food

Days are 'long' for me to still be at home. I am glad that this year I will be able to celebrate Christmas and New Year with my parents and little siblings. It's Jesus' birthday, it's a super special day! And I'm excited to think about that.

Move on from that, you might think "What does Sherly do at home?". Well, these days, I am 'busy'. There are many things to do, believe me... *grin* Closer to the holidays, there are many visitors coming, they are usually my parents' friends. In that case, we always try to become a good host for them, we take them around and make sure that they enjoy their stay. With my family's tradition to always go out together, makes me always busy travelling around Denpasar (that means I am bound to be sitting in the car almost the whole day sometimes!).
However, when I really do get time to stay at home (i.e., the family is not going anywhere), I will be playing with my little sister or doing origami. Playing with my sister could mean anything; from helping her with homework, giving her a bath, or even playing Barbie with her, which I just did today! It brought me back to about 9-10 years ago, where I used to play it all by myself. Today, as I promised her yesterday, I took out all my Barbie toys, set them up and played a bit for her, then watched her play (my right leg was too painful to sit and move around on the floor!). But, yeah..., I became a little girl again for awhile and it was still fun! :)
Doing origami is one of the things I enjoy. Since September, I have tried many other paper-foldings; strawberries (which are very cute!), flowers and roses (which I failed to master the skill *sob*). I switch between folding stars and other shapes to avoid boredom. The last time I counted, I have around 1200 stars already and I'm still making them. Mum gave me a big water bottle (for those in Indonesia, they will know the 6 liters Cleo water bottle!) to fill up! Hehehe... What a job, eh?

So far, I told you about several hobbies of mine at home (I still have a lot more!), but the routine of mine is to enjoy my home food hehehe... My mum's cooking or any food that my parents give me. I think I'm getting fatter *blush*

But, more important than that, I am still busy looking for information about PhD Studentship in UK!!! Pray and try... I have faith that Jesus will give me such a sweet gift for Christmas! He told me so! :)

That's all for now *such an unimportant post, eh? :P* Jesus bless you, my friends!!


  1. Origami? yg aku bisa mah cuman buat kapal :D

    Nie, kamu udah berusaha, kamu juga udah minta restu dan bantuan Tuhan. So jangan penuhi dirimu dengan rasa kuatir ya.
    Konyol mungkin kedengarannya, tapi jika sesuatu itu milikmu, maka tetap menjadi milikmu. Dan, jika kesempatan itu bukan untukmu, artinya ada rencana lain yang lebih baik untukmu, yang mungkin saat ini belum kamu sadari :)

  2. all the best, babe =))

  3. Ketuklah Pintu-Nya Nie...selalu...

  4. playing barbie, ya?
    heuhuehueheuheuehuehue......kayak anak kecil

    6 liter bo!!!!

    aku tetp doain buat kamu ya :)

  5. aku ikut doain ya sher ... good luck!

  6. AKu liburan kemana ya?? Besok deh aku posting, he3... :D

    Selamat menikmati libur ya?? (arrgghh, sehari lagi nih, buat ujian terakhir, bhs inggris)

  7. wah spedaman abis taun baruan malah nyebrang ke sumatra bwt penempatan kerja di kota bumi.
    temen ada yg dpt di singaraja dan amlapura.

    g'luck bwt hunting phd nya ya:D

  8. Sher, jangan kuatir, Tuhan Yesus beserta-mu :)...berdoa dan berusaha terus, kita bantu juga disini dengan doa...

    Oh yea, emang asyik ya kalo bisa Natal ame ortu dan adik adik di sana... itu yg selalu gw kangen....banyak tamuuu dan rame-nya suasana Natal di tanah air :)...

    Met weekend skaligus Met Natal and taon baru buat kalian sekeluarga Sher, Tuhan Yesus memberkati senantiasa. Skarang aja nih ngucapinnya, takut telaaat keburu sibuk dengan Natal :)...

    XXX Shierly

  9. nikmati aja berkat Tuhan, menikmati masakan2 mami di sana...hehehhehehe

    met natal ya
    GBU always


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