Another new chapter

Hello all my friends! I am back after hiatus for a while, with a new blog design and new chapter of life...
What do I mean by new chapter of life? Well... sadly, Lan and I did not make it through. Due to some personal matters, we agree to be just friends. It is not that we didn't try hard enough, we did... but God's plan says different and we chose to follow. And we are just human, who can feel hurted, sad and broken, it was such a difficult decision that we had to take.
So... here I am, all alone again, but with Jesus all around me.

I also have decided to postpone my trip back to UK until January. I need some time, to adjust with the lost in my heart and to take care of something. Please, I ask you all kindly, pray so that The Lord strengthen me and also that The Lord opens the door for me for my future. I am planning to find a scholarship/sponsorship so that I can continue to study a PhD in Computer Science.
Please... please... please... I need your prayers and support. Thank you in advance! :)

Okay, that's all for now. God bless!
My dear...
We had tried our best. Yes, we really did.
We loved each other with all our hearts. Yes, we undoubtly did.
But we know, life does not always go the way we desire.

It hurts to the bones.
Yes, that's an honesty from me.
An angel with a pair of broken wings,
I feel I fell from high above,
Wounded and broken to pieces.

I need time to gather the pieces...
And so do you.
All that we've been through,
I treasure them as sweet scented memories.

Farewell my dear...
Until we meet again as friends.
I pray for God's blessings to be upon you,
And all is well throughout your ways.

With all my love... just for Lan.

Sherly Nie, 05 Dec 2006.


  1. Sher, I was in a total shock, but I don't dare to ask the 'why' question. Still a bit confused. But however I promise I'll pray for you, both of you. And for your plan to get the scholarship for your Ph.D (you go, gurl!). Sherly = no. 1 supergurl from Indo :D

  2. OK. I forgot to mention that the new layous is fab!

  3. Sher,
    gue juga shock neh baca postingan baru elo.
    waktu nge-klik penasaran mo ngeliat new lay outnya. bagus bangeth, tapi pas baca postingannya, jadi kaget.

    tapi gapapa ding, apapun keputusan elo be2, pasti yang terbaik kan?

    Tuhan menjadikan segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya.


  4. sher.... gak nyagka beneran..... pas liat layoutnya... seneng karna bagus.. pas liat postingan terakhir... jadi bingung n kaget...

    but.. life must go on.....

    yang sabar ya...

    pasti akan ada saat-saat indah suatu saat nanti...

    keep smile girl...

  5. soal hidup kadang ngga bisa ditebak jujur heran aja kenapa dan kenapa tapi semoga semuanya bisa berjalan baik termasuk loe diberi kesabaran dan ketabahan.

    Ngga bs ngasih referensi sholarship tapi semoga apa yg loe cita-citain bisa tercapai :)

  6. Nie, tanpa mencoba menjadi si bijak, aku cuman mo berbagi dikit tentang perjalananku.
    Kalau aku juga pernah pernah sakit,
    bukan sekali dan dengan alasan2 yang berbeda. Tapi dari situ aku belajar banyak tentang diriku tentang apa yang aku inginkan, tentang hidupku.
    Tuhan mengajar aku dengan bijak.

    Menangislah dan bersedihlah karena memang sedang saatnya. Tapi jangan larut dan membiarkan rasa sedih lama menguasaimu.
    Masa depan adalah rahasia sang waktu.
    Berjalanlah dan terus berjalan..
    Dan biarkan senyummu mekar pada saatnya.

  7. Lho lho lho, kaget saya. Koq tau2 udah broken up?? kenapa?? LDR ternyata memang susah ya??? :D

    Gpp, God selalu punya rencana yang terbaik, mungkin emang jodohnya ga sama Lan kali... :) Sabar yaaaa

  8. dear sherly,
    aku ikut sedih dan kaget. yg kuat ya sher, Tuhan punya rencana lain untukmu dan aku yakin Dia mau yang terbaik untukmu.

    sukses apply scholarshipnya ya, kita blom sempet ketemu nih ;)


  9. The status may changed.
    Yet, the relation remains.

    Even better, now it's not burdened by the status.


    Anyway, cheer up. Christmas is near. That should be somewhat of a good reason. Be blessed. You know you are.

  10. *ikutan sedih*
    dobel sedih krn HPku hang dan tidak bisa sms untuk menyuport kamu

    i'm really2 sad...
    so sorry to hear that..
    hopefully everything is getting better

  11. hhmmff..

    patah hati gak bisa dipungkirin lagi emang sakit.

    tapi yah ...that's the way it is. People come and go. We need Not only just CLICK each other, but "the right time" :)

    b strong sist *huggzzz*

  12. -hugs- aku janji ikut berdoa untuk kamu Nie,be strong yah,, gpp hitung2 pengalaman dan pelajaran menjalani liku2 kehidupan,, kamu masih muda say,cantik dan pinter ,aku yakin kamu baik2 saat ini <3

  13. bener2 mengejutkan, walopun aku dah bisa menduga dari postingan yg sebelumnya..

    smoga ini yang terbaik utk kalian bdua ya sher..
    aku ikut berduka cita & doain yg terbaik..

  14. still get confused with this, sis (maklum kak, aku tau aku nggak bisa merasakan perasaan wanita, tapi aku berusaha ngerti). jgn nyerah ya kak sher, Tuhan pasti buat (bukan buka) jalan saat gak ada jalan keliatan.

    soal beasiswa, bisa dicari di beberapa kedutaan atau konjen, mungkin korea selatan masih buka tuh.

    JBU kak sher...

  15. *hugz sherly 1 jam sampe doi sesak napas*

    you'll do well babe, take care yah

  16. be strong girl en GBU !!!

  17. maaf, baru bisa mampir lagi...*speechless*...yang kuwat yach, masih banyak hal yang harus kau jalanin.
    tapi ada kalanya kita harus ngadepin kenyataan, buat menghadapi ujian yg lebih berat lagi.
    Save the best for last.

  18. Sher, Gw shock banget baca postingan ini, bener bener speechless, satu hal yg mau gw bagi hanyalah :
    God will always give you the things that are best for you. Percaya sama gw Sher, yg juga pernah mengalami perjalanan yg hampir sama, waktu itu rasanya gw bener bener mati rasa tapi Tuhan Yesus tidak pernah meninggalkan anak anak-Nya, Yg terbaik sudah disipakan Tuhan untuk-my Say, tepat pada waktu-Nya akan Tuhan berikan pada-mu Sist, Kuat dan jangan tenggelam dengan rasa sedih itu, bangkit dan pandang terus pada Tuhan Yesus ya Sher. GBU selalu. I'll pray for you.

    XXX Shierly


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