2007 in my thought

I clicked through my blog yesterday, for the posting throughout 2006, and found that at the beginning of the year my aim for 2006 was to finish my Master degree with a distinction pass. Actually, it was successfully fulfilled. In November, I got the results for my Master course and I jumped with happiness to know that I pass the Master degree with Distinction. (All glory and honour only to Jesus, who gives me the abilities to go through and finish another chapter of life and gives me victory!)
So, really, for the last several days of 2006, it is only right if I give thanks continually to my Father in Heaven for all the blessings, joy, peace and love He gave throughout the year. And these thankfulness shall not terminate all the days of my life.

So, what's ahead of me? Well... several weeks ago, my plan was to return to UK in December, find a job and to be with Lan. But things change and not all can go according to our desires.
Now, the future is completely different from what I imagined several weeks ago. I will be at home (Denpasar), for I don't know how long, until I get a definite position in one of the Universities I have applied for a PhD course. Yes, I am going to study again hehehe... And this time, I will only study under one condition; getting a scholarship. I depended enough on my parents, now, it is time for me to be independent. My brothers and sister still need my parents' support more than I do, and they deserve to receive the same education support like me.
Indonesia's economy condition makes it hard for my parents to support me this time. I know that and I don't want to be selfish. I know my place and position. So, this time, I will try my best and with Jesus by my side, I shall not fear anything. For I believe, with God, nothing is impossible!

At the moment, I got an interview invitation for 18 January 2007 from University of West of England (UWE) for a PhD studentship position in Applied Mathematics, which I thank The Lord for! At the same time, I have submitted my application form to University of Liverpool (UofL) for a PhD position in Computer Science. And I'm in the process of submitting my application form for scholarship award.
Personally, I'd prefer to return to Liverpool, because their research history is much better than UWE. However, with UofL, I have to work on finding a scholarship by myself, as right now, they don't advertise for studentship, i.e., I have to apply for the scholarship separately from the PhD position.

Therefore, friends, I kindly ask for your support in prayers. These days, sometimes doubts come and try to destroy my faith and belief. My worldly thoughts tries to block my trust in Jesus, which suppose to know that nothing is too hard for my God.
So, please help in prayers. Thank you very much in advance.

That's all I want to share for the day. Until the new year comes! Jesus be with you and bless you always!

Rejoice! Jesus loves you!


  1. Sherlyy, met natal dan taun baruu. sorry aku baru ngucapin natal sekarang... hihih. wish u all the best :-)

  2. Sherly, met Natal & Tahun Baru ya :) Selamat jg dah beres your Master Degree nya :) God knows your heart and desires..... so, PHd scholarship nya tinggal nunggu waktu aja :)...Glad to see you are strong in the Lord and put all your trust in Him and make Jesus as your source of Happiness...

  3. sherly selamat tahun baru ya
    semoga lancar dan sukses pemburuan beasiswamu :)



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