Pre-honeymoon story (2)

Continuing my story about our prehoneymoon!
Actually on the night of 07 July, after we said good-bye to Yulia, we swam for a little while. The water was so cold that both of us were shivering. Do you think it's romantic to take a swim under the starry night with your husband?! Hehehehe... Anyway it was fun! :)
The next day we had an early morning. It was Sunday, 08 July 2007, we took a taxi at 6.30 to take us to the church, GBI ROCK Lembah Pujian, that is the same church we had our holy matrimony. We have arranged to meet my parents there, so that after the service finished we went home with them.
After getting the swimming suits, we headed back to the villa. Grace and my parents swam until afternoon while Lan slept because he was so tired. As for me, I just watched TV and sometimes browsed around the Internet. For dinner, my dad took us to Pepito Restaurant (close to the Ngurah Rai International Airport). We had quite a big dinner there, that afterwards all of us had difficulty to walk hahahaha...
Since the restaurant has a supermarket next door to it, we just walked around the shop to let the food go down our stomaches. During that time, Lan and Grace were always joking around, teasing each other. I am very glad to see that both of them have become good friends, there is a special bond between both of them, a big brother and a little sister. They are so cute when they are together, Lan turns to be a little boy while playing with her hehehe... And, now, with Lan far away, both of them are missing to tease each other.
Continuing, after the window-shopping, Lan insisted for both of us to watch Die Hard 4.0. So, we went to the cinema and luckily we did not miss the movie. It was a good movie, although, I shall say, it is too simple and I was having a waist pain throughout the movie so I didn't really enjoy the 2 hours seating there. >.<

The next day, 09 July 2007, we didn't do much. Just relaxing and resting. Lan watched the television almost the whole day, while I slept in for several more hours. Overall, I really enjoyed our prehoneymoon. The villa was great! *Thanks Ko Peter!* Lan was sure to return there if we go back to Bali for holiday.

Ps. Honey, I am missing you very much. Wait for me, I am returning soon.


  1. wah aku blm nonton die hard nih.. senin kemarin gak jadi nonton.. :(

  2. Die Hard setuju, filmnya keren tp jalan ceritanya way too simple, he3... :) :)

    asik dong pre-honeymoon-nya. Kapan ni honeymoon benerannya he3... :D

  3. keren banged ya kekasihku, bruce wills:) hahahhaha

  4. "Do you think it's romantic to take a swim under the starry night with your husband?!"
    Then you should ask Reinier for sure!!!! Ahahahahaha....
    Salam dari Reinier nih, Sherly.


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