12 months

This morning, when I turned the page of the daily calendar, I realized that I have been home for exactly 12 months now. I remember how happy and sad I was, leaving Liverpool and arriving in Denpasar; happy to see my whole family again and sad to be apart from Lan.
Many things have happened in the last 12 months. Up and down, laughters and tears, joy and sadness and many more. However, as you all know, the big event of all is our wedding in July. Lan told me many things have changed in Liverpool. They keep 'refurnishing' the city. Well, going back on the 17th, I am excited to see the changes in the city, but more importantly, I am overjoyed to be reunited with my husband again.
Not that I will not be sad leaving my family, I am sure I will, but, now, I have my own family to build, to take care of and to be with. Things are much different to one year ago, in a good way. :)

Well, less than 2 weeks to meet my husband again. I miss him so much...
I've proven many times, Lord...
That You are faithful.

Walking towards the future with You,
I will never be in doubt,
For the future You promised me is brighter than the sun could shine.

Thank You, Father, for this beautiful life with You.

- nie, 05th September 2007.


  1. Kita kayak itu -yg orang lain sebut- loh, kontak batin. But I believe that there's no coincidence.
    Tadi pagi kak sher ngebalik kelender ingat setahun di Indo, siangnya aku nulis komen yg kurang lebih sama, malamnya eh diposting...
    Harapanku, biar kak sherly nanti balik ke UK dgn aman, gak kurang ssuatu apapun (trutama berkat rohani), ada damai sejahtra dgn bro Paul. Itu aja bagiku udah cukup. Lord Jesus bless you...

  2. Tau persis gimana perasaanmu sih aku eng'gak, tapi ngerti kalo itu soal perasaan antara sedih ninggalin keluarga en happy mo ketemu suami dan menjelang dunia baru yang baru dibangun bersama.

    It is all about time. :)

  3. ada damai sejahtra dgn bro Paul
    eh, apa ini? Maaf, yg aku maksud kakak2 bdua punya damai sejahtra yg sama menetap di UK. Bukan yg lain2. Ah,koq kalimatku aneh ya? :D

  4. ada damai sejahtra dgn bro Paul
    eh, apa ini? Maaf, yg aku maksud kakak2 bdua punya damai sejahtra yg sama menetap di UK. Bukan yg lain2. Ah,koq kalimatku aneh ya? :D

  5. wah, enak ya mudiknya 12 bulan. Kemarin aku 2,5 bulan kerasa cuepet bgt neh, he3... :)

    btw, berarti 11 hari ke Inggris dong... :)

  6. hah udah setahun ?? gak kerasa eh. cepat bener waktu berlalu...

  7. semua kata rindumu semakin membuatku tak berdaya,
    menahan rasa ingin jumpa,
    percayalah padaku akupun rindu kamu...


    waduh, nyanyi lagu itu terus deh ya, saking kangennya. sabar sher, bentar lagi udah kumpul lagi kan... semoga lancar ya, gak ada halangan apa2.

  8. Waaa... bu guru lagi kangen2an yak hihihihi...

    Aku juga ikut2an kangen ah hihihihi... :D

  9. wekekekke.... gak sabar balik ke UK sher??? tinggal 1 minggu lebih dikit donk bisa ketemu Lan lagi.... :P

  10. hwehehe kLo dah nikah mah dah beda pRioritas ya misua yg utama :p 10hr lagi koq sist :d

  11. iyah. you have your own family now. :)

  12. Sher, saya blum mengucapkan selamat menempuh hidup baru. :) ternyata saya ketinggalan info. hehehe. Selamat yah.


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