Back to where I belong

Hi guys! I'm not sure whether you are wondering how I've been, but here I am! Back to my blogging world, back to LIVERPOOL, back to be with my HUSBAND and back to be BUSY! Hehehe...
I arrived at 18.00 UK time on Monday, and every since then, many things I had to do. Buying household appliances; toaster, iron, microwave, groceries, etc. and tidying up the flat. Yep, we are living in a flat, which is owned by the University, we consider it nice enough to live in. It's just... it has a bath, but NO shower! That's the weirdest thing that I've ever known about a bathroom hahaha... Still, we gotta live with it. We are to be thankful that The Lord has provided us with somewhere to live.

During these several days, I got sick a number of times too. I got too tired and so sickness strikes. Even now, I am still recovering and getting used to the time and weather of UK again.

Above all, I have to say that... I am facing what the real marriage is.

Have a blessed weekend, friends!


  1. kak sher tinggal di flat kampus to? tadi aku cek statistik, kak sherly tadi pagi (waktu Indo) mampir ke blogku pake ISP Liv Uni.

    niwei, have a great time with bro Paul... and JBU always :D

  2. yuhuuuu, senengnya yang udah balik lagi ke UK menemui suami tercinta. :D i'm so happy for you sher! *pasti di perjalanan senyam senyum sendiri ya, ehehehehe*

  3. wah, met balik ke Liverpool yah... :D Met kuliah lg jg...

    btw, ternyata mudik ke Indo setahunan bisa bikin badan nyaman ya sama iklim disini, he3... :D

  4. emang sher...merit itu enaknya cuman 10% aja....yang 90% ueeeennnaaaaaakk tenan...hehehehehe...enjoy ur life with ur husband...

  5. Ya ampun Sher, kek kamu ada berjuta kerjaan yg harus selesai satu waktu ya.. cepet sembuh ya... dan yap, aneh banget itu kamar mandi. Salam buat Lan, enjoy your life ya...cerita kehidupan perkawinan yg sesungguhnya boleh juga diposting..secara aku sering tuh dpt klien masalah itu. Sapa tau bisa jadi masukan. Thx.

  6. aiiih ibu rumah tangga...belanja dulu emangnya gak punya setrika ? hwhahhaa..

    so, besok mau masak apa ? *wink

  7. wah balik lagi ke liverpool :d tapi bedanya sekarang ma misua. Ya udah met bahagia dech dengan kehidupan barumu, and GBU.

  8. Beli ember aja Sher :)

    kamu kecape'an tuh ato... ada tanda-tandanya nih? ;)

  9. pake ember aja dulu, sebagai ganti gayung,,,pake gelas aja yg gede.



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