The beginning of busy week.

Today is officially the beginning of the busy week before we leave for Hamburg on Saturday, 2nd August.
The whole day was very bright and HOT! Oh my... I can say today is the perfect ONE day of the year! Clear blue sky and some cool wind! At last we can wear our summer clothes! Hehe... Thank God for such a beautiful day!
So, we went to church this morning, only to find that it was moved *again* temporarily, so we had to walk a bit further to get there. Thinking of it in a positive way, we had some time to exercise in a nice bright morning haha... At church, we got to know some Korean people, who are quite nice. We are becoming more comfortable in the new church now...
After that we went home to have some lunch and a bit of nap before we picked up Bebek & her hubby at the coach station. They are really nice couple! Bebek even brought me some gifts from Singapore *thank you so much!* We had dinner together at Tokyou noodle bar (Lan's & my favourite restaurant). Glad they liked the food there.

Tomorrow, I plan to bring them to LFC aka Anfield, because Santo is a big fan of Liverpool. Then I am hoping to show them around Liverpool.
Tuesday, planning to see Yuni, who comes all the way from Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday, packing up for Hamburg.
Thursday, my brother arrives in the morning to stay for 2 weeks (before he leaves for home until November), also, Lan's friend is arriving in the after from Beijing.
So, most likely on Friday, we will be tour guides to show them around.
Then... 5 a.m. on Saturday, off our train goes to Manchester for us to catch Lufthansa flight to Hamburg.

Hufff.... We gonna need extra extra extra energy!!!!
Well, to you all: Have a great week! God bless you always! :)


  1. makin cerah ceria deh si nyonya satu ini. hehehe. have a great week to you too ya dear. :-)

  2. weleh, jadwal dah penuh ya sher, jaga kesehatan aja jgn sampe sakit, soalnya tgl 2 kan lsg ke hamburg tuh..take care


  3. wah, yg sibuk nganter2in neh, hehehehe... :)

    Enaknya ya kayaknya disana, hehe... . Btw, emang summer kaga menderita gitu? Katanya di Australia kalo summer banyak serangga2 gitu dan menyebalkan. Soalnya mereka dehidrasi makanya nempel di tubuh manusia, haha...

  4. Kesibukan yg menyenangkan tentunya ;) Setelah bersibuk2 selanjutnya bersuka ria. hehe..

    Miss u, sis *hugs*

  5. wow..seems like it's gonna be very hectic days for both of you. hope everything's turns out great in the end. wish u and Lan a great time in Hamburg. happy busy days my dear.. :)

  6. akhirnya bisa ketemuan ama Bebek n misua Nie...salam aja deh!...;)

  7. liburan ke hamburg, sher ? kalo pake train dari tempatmu, kejauhan ya ?

    have fun ya and met bersibuk ria

  8. wow nice exchange please

  9. wew sibuk bener, jangan lupa istirahat ya sist. have a nice day :)

  10. wah, serunya yang mo liburan...
    have a great holiday yah...

  11. oleh2 dari Singapura... blom pernah dapet oleh2 dari Ende :p huekeke... hayo yang liburan liburan! mau liburan lagi :( hikz...tapi kok jadi keseringan liburan juga nggak enak :p mwah mwah :p

  12. He22
    Read your scedule ... hahhhh make me tired too he22
    but you do with happy yeah ...

  13. met wikeeeeennn!!! :D


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