Happy Anniversary, Hunny...

His soft whisper woke me up this morning. Ughhh... Cannot believe it has been one year already! Time flies, but through it all, I am so grateful... for my beloved husband, who would do anything for me. I am grateful to my Jesus, for my soulmate, for His providence and hands upon our little family. On this same beautiful day, is my best friend's birthday. One that I have known for so many years and I keep loving her more each day. And, I am so happy that since 2007, we celebrate this special date together until forever! So...

Happy Birthday, my sister in Christ, Yulie! We both love you!

This one whole year has been beautiful to me. Not because we never fought each other, believe me, we fought quite many times! It is beautiful that through all of those ups and downs, we willing to improve for each other and we really improve. Along the way, we compromise, we forgive and we think alike.

Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful one year!
Thank you friends, for remembering, for the beautiful prayers and the great wishes!
With LOVE as our foundation,
we shall not fear anything and will keep going...
together, hand in hand.
For in LOVE, there is no fear.
And GOD is LOVE!

With GOD as our foundation, His hands will be upon us and our future!
Happy anniversary, Hubby! I love you, too!

Ps. Tonight we will have dinner together and exchange our hand-made presents! *I am so excited!*


  1. Sistaa... waahh.. happy 1st anniversary yaahh! :D mo dirayain kemana niyy.. ^^ btw kapan punya momongan.. heheh :P ayo buru buru.. hihihi.. have fun yaah! :D

  2. wah wah wah apa nih kadonya, jd ikutan excited..

    Happy anniversary ya sher+Lan, smoga langgeng terus mpe kakek nenek, akur² aja...


  3. Wuaaa, Happy First Anniversary yah!!

    Semoga makin langgeng nih, hehehe... :)

  4. happy 1st anniversary !!

    Moga2 cinta kalian selalu mendapat berkat-Nya , amen .

  5. eh kapan anniversarynya ? tglnya maksute. soale, today 2 juli juga our anniversary hihihi

    itu yg di pic kirain siapa,sampe gak kenal. met anniversary yaaaa

  6. Happy Anniversary Sherly & Lan gak berasa udah setahun aja.
    Langgeng selalu, bahagia selalu dan sukses selalu buat kalian berdua.

    Hmmm hand-made present... romantis sekali..., so sweet

  7. wah gak nyangka anniv. kita tetanggaan tanggalnya...

    Happy Anniversary Lan & Nie...
    Semoga anugrah Tuhan melimpah dalam keluarga ini...
    Semoga ntar lagi nongol lan junior dan nie junior...Ameeeenn...

  8. happy 1st anniversary..

    i'm happy for both of u..



  9. Selamat hari jadi, ya! :-D
    Bahagia dan terus kompak di tahun-tahun mendatang yang tak terhitung. ;-)

  10. Happy anniversaryyyyy..ya telat ya gw :(

    Semoga langgeng selalu ya Sher, dan selalu dlm lindunganNya.

  11. ya ampun Sher...udah setaun lagi ya.... ga kerasa ...happy anniversary ya...semoga selalu rukun dan bahagia.


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