No, it is NOT a holiday...

Lots of you guessed that we are going to Hamburg for a holiday. Yes, we would like to HOPE so, but it is NOT *sob*. We are sent by University of Liverpool's Computer Science department to do a 2-weeks summer school there (we study computer science). Eventhough it is not a holiday, we still thank God for the chance to go to Hamburg (This is our FIRST time to go to Hamburg, in fact it's a FIRST time to go to Europe after our attempt to go to Paris failed earlier this year.)

Today, after meeting friends here and there, I am resting at home for the whole day. I am exhausted and not feeling quite good. I just hope I won't get sick huhuhu... It has been fun meeting my friends and have chit chat with them.

Tomorrow is another busy day... huhuhu... Pray for Lan and I please, my friends. :)


  1. Amien...moga sehat2 aja kalian...

    oh ya, udah kontak koq ama Lita...jadi donk ketemuan...:)


  2. sama nih sher, ga enak bodi, kepanasaaaann..take care ya, jgn lupa potonya pas di hamburg nanti..


  3. thats even better than a holiday !!

    congrats ya dapat kesempatan summer course diluar England

  4. Congrats for the chance visiting Hamburg, kak...

    Minggu depan aku ke SBY, mau rekonsiliasi... huhuhuhu...

  5. jaga kesehatan ya sher...
    biar bisa enjoy terus jalanin hariii :)

  6. have fun in Hamburg. hamburg itu kota pantai bukan sih? honeymoon melulu ya sher.....mumpung masih berdua. kl dah berbuntut susah.....hehe.

  7. holiday ga holiday, anggap aja holiday sist. hehehe. have a nice day :)

  8. wuaaaaahhh... enaknyaa... :) anggap aja liburan..kan sekalian :)

  9. Wah, 2 minggu sih kayaknya nggak ada waktu ya, buat jalan-jalan ke luar kota? Tapi nggak apa-apa, Hamburg juga cantik, kok! :-D

  10. enjoy your time in Hamburg, GBU say. :)

  11. Yang penting: jaga kesehatan ya, Jeng. GBU ;-)

  12. Selamat menikmati Hamburg ya, hahaha... :) Walau dalam rangka studi yg penting kan jalan2, wkwkwkwkkww... LOL

  13. wadu... sepertinya sibuk sekali anda inih sis... jaga2 kesehatan yah sibuk-sibuk ginihh.. hoho.. btw ketemu c sherine dunkz yaa?? eh dia di Hamburg bukan sihh.. *bingung*

  14. Hi Sherly, I hope you both will be doing okay. Have enough rest so you won't get sick, ok. Pity that you can't go to Hamburg this summer, but I hope you still can find lots of fun , hehe.


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