Nice day today :)

Hari ini adikku dah balik ke Brighton (untuk kembali lagi ke Liverpool dua minggu lagi), karena harus ketemu sama dosennya sekali lagi untuk membicarakan final projectnya. Yang tersisa sekarang adalah capek! Huff huff huff... taking care of 2 boys is not easy. Especially when we live in a bedsit-type-of-flat. Our place becomes so stuffy that sometimes I felt like throwing out a chair out of the window *hihihi...*.
Anyhow, we had quite fun together. I took my brother around city center and we went in and out to those shops with the SALE tags! Lan is lucky I did not spend a penny in those shops.

Today, after saying 'see you in 2 weeks' to Erwin at the coach station, we went to town, hunting some lambbananas photos for my collection. Lambbanana is the icon for the Liverpool as the European City of Culture 2008. Lots of people were in town, it was like a sea of fish!!!

Dapet award dary sis Jane! Thanks ya!!! Ini nih ketentuannya:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs (u can nominate more than 7)
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Aduh... aku ga tau mo nominate sapa neh hehe... Saking sibuknya kepala ga ada di blog hehehe...


  1. hahaha, disana jg lagi banyak SALE yah, LOL...

  2. huaaaaahhhh..istri yg baikkkk..kl gw udah tak sikat smua tuh hihihihii..

  3. wew pengharga'an sist? :D award? mantab :p

  4. aih, hebat banget lagi sale ga belanja....resepnya dong...

  5. wah lambbanana nya lucu2 ya...itu dilombain juga atau cuma buat pajang2 aja?
    brarti 2 minggu lagi bakalan sibuk lagi dong, sher? hehehe..

  6. iya neh lately disini juga nice cuacanya. tapi ujung2xnya lenganku jd banyak freckles hikhik

  7. wah sibuk ya sher...emang klo ada family yg datang jadi berasa banget sibuknya...lagian mereka cuman beberapa hari jadi berusaha berikan yang terbaik buat mereka deh...

    all the best deh...semoga gak hanya jadi nominee..tapi jadi juaranya yaaa...^^

  8. alow salam kenal :)


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