Blessing unexpectedly...

I learnt something new today... That what I think is just a simple thing, can be a huge blessing to other people.
So, lately, I have been enjoying my new hobby to the fullest, that is the digital SCRAPBOOKING! I have decided to join a scrapbooking forum last week, and I have been participating in some challenges they have in there. I have a blast in this forum! People are kind and they give great love and advice for the scrapbook pages I made. Anyhow, yesterday, I saw this challenge, where we were asked to make a page that pictures a 'Motherly Advice', either from yourself (if you are a mom) or an advice that you remember from your mother...
So here is what I made...

At first, I was not sure that it will go a long way, but since I love it, I posted it anyway in the challenge's thread. Surprisingly, after several hours, I got some comments that those who see my page love it! *Thank God for that!*
However, there were two ladies that specifically thanked me for such a wonderful verse I put there... They said that they are having tough times and that was the advice they needed more than anything. It actually has blessed them!
Oh, Jesus... I am so grateful that I can be a blessing to others, even in a very tiny way...


  1. Sher, kamu tu pinter iya, kreatif iya, bakat seni iya.. Asik banget sih!!!

    Layout barumu ini juga kereeen banget..

  2. bagus banget scrapbooknya....
    kerennn... :)

  3. betul tuh sher kamu tuh bisa membawa blessing buat aku loch... apa lagi stlh aku cerita ma kamu ttg mslh2 aku ma kamu... wah kpn lagi yach cerita ma kamu... thx ya sher uda mau share.
    scrapbooknya bagus

  4. designnya so sweet, sher....

  5. bgs banget de scrapbook n idea nya ..
    hmm ... you are very talented Nie ..

  6. Dalam, Sher. Maksudku, kalimat itu hanya terdiri dari 6 kata. Tapi di saat kita perlu pegangan, kalimat itu memiliki arti yang dalam.

    Jadi makin kagum sama nyokap kamu, hehehe...

  7. sampe googling aku penasaran gimana sih cara kerja scrapbook ini hehehe

    warnanya manis

  8. :) :)


  9. bagus kok, manis warnanya..
    scrapbook itu gimana si bikinnya? hihi..

  10. Hadoh.. bukan cuma scrapbooknya tapi layout barunya juga ngga nahan. Cantik 'n kreatif sekalee... TOP ABISS...! ;-)

  11. Wah, beneran bagus tuh scrapbook-nya. Kombinasi warnanya juga bagus, pink nya sebagai simbol cinta yah, hehehehe... :)

  12. Sher, bagus banget scrapbooknya.. ajarin donk gimana cara bikinnya? :-)

  13. Wew..
    Remember our mother..
    Blessing from her.. ;)

  14. that was a lovely message dear.
    With God all things are possible.
    I like those tiny pink flowers on the card.

  15. Thanks for your comment on my blog and congrats for this wonderful LO! I love it and it's message!


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