Spring Blossom Quickpage Freebie

My friend, Nia, has been asking how I do this one layout from my post about our Leeds holiday. I tried to think about how to actually explain it to her... but I just found it difficult...

Hence, I worked a little bit on my layout, removed our photos and now give it as my second freebie. The zip file contains below preview plus a png file and a psd file of the layout, you can choose whichever one you want to work with. I kept the size as 3600x3600 pixels (around 51MB). Happy scrapbooking!

You can download it HERE or click on the photo above.
Please leave some love if you like what you see. :)


  1. layoutnya itu lu bikin sendiri from scratch ya? kirain udah ada templatenya gitu....

    bagus nie... :)

  2. wah yg ini keren banget, sher.

  3. sher... thx yach.... tp still need a lot of ur opinion nich... kalo kamu nga sibuk ntar aku coba kirimin foto wedding temen ku d... bole kan.... once again thx bgt yach...

  4. wah thank you yah, aku mau coba ah :)

  5. keren nie scrapbook-nya, lu bakat deh :D

  6. Bgs Nie , ntar2 de g mau coba ah

  7. Wau, yang ini bagus, bener2 bertema Spring. Cara buatnya gimana sih? Udah libur neh jadi ada lumayan spare time, hehehe

  8. keren banget sher hasil karya mu:)) kreatif banget:)


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