Conwy Castle Day Trip

We had FUN!
This trip was organised by the University of Liverpool for the International students with family; so there were lots of kids in the coach, but luckily it was not so noisy at all! Basically, we got to go to Conwy for free (The University paid for the coach hire) and we only needed to spend money on our entrance to the castle, lunch and some souvenirs.
Going into Conwy
Just arrived in Conwy
Thank The Lord for such a beautiful day! It was absolutely sunny day, bright blue skies, just PERFECT! We had great day there.
We arrived at around 11 am, departing at 9 am in the morning. Conwy Castle is one of the World Heritage sites. It is overlooking to beautiful sceneries at every sides, built so close to the sea. So magnificent!

Too bad, I have a faint heart! Hehehe... I have a fear of falling (yep, falling, not height!), so bad... that while going up the winding stair to the top, I was totally shaking. I was grateful that Lan was so patient with me and helped me a lot. We took lots of photos, ready to be scrapped soon :)
The two of us
For lunch, we had Fish & Chips. It was different from the usual fish and chips that I ate, it was so delicious and the portion was huge! Huff... we couldn't finish them all! LOL! Then, we walked around the town.
Conwy is not a big town, but beautiful. The houses look vintage but strong and cute. They have lots of vintage shops, bakeries and beautiful tea-rooms (cafes). I'd say they really keep their cultures well. :)
Lan @ the knight shop
Fish & Chips Restaurant we had lunch at

Overall, we had a great day together!


  1. wahh seneng nya bisa relax , bgs yah castle nya ..
    fish n chips ga abis .. sayang bgt , coba g ada disana yah minimal chips nya g yg abisin ha222

  2. wah asiknya.. jalan2, gratis pula ya... hehe.

  3. suasananya beda bgt ya dengan di Indonesia

  4. Cakep ya Sher kotanya. Castlenya keren bgt, amaze ama orang2 jaman dulu yg bisa bikin castle sekeren & se-tough itu. Btw, aku suka rokmu, so pretty. hihihi.. foto fish&chipsnya mana Sher? :p

  5. kereeen.. emang jalan2 paling asik ya, kita gak mikirin apa2, have fun aja, suasana hati jadi seneng aja bawaannya..
    kalo disini sih banyak anak2 pasti heboh haha..

  6. asyik banget nih kederannya jalan2mu say , foto2nya juga keren2 , foto no 2 dan no 3 favoriteku , kesannya gimana gitu ..

  7. aduhhh, jadi kangen ma UK....
    itu foto terakhir bikin aku teringat Windsor deh.....

  8. So beautiful!
    ternyata fish and chips tuh dr GB yah? aku baru tau makanan itu di canada sini, so famous among white canadians. di deket rmh ada yg enak bgt sher...udh ada sejak dahulu kala (bahasanya deee), pokoknya udh lama bgt. murah banget lagi. 1 porsi combo (sama soup dan beverage) $4.99, gile yah.
    wah, kl aku jalan2 ke europe someday, hrs kesini ya sher...

  9. Wuih, tempatnya keren, eksotis banget, khas castle2 gitu, hehehe :) KEREENN... :D

    Btw, apply visa UK susah ga sih? :D

  10. ihh gw suka banget liat potonya , suasananya itu lho ... menyejukkan . padahal aslinya lagi cerah yah disana ? hahaha


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