I am excited!

Paper is submitted to another conference (TIME 2010). Whether it is accepted or not, the MOST important thing is that I know I tried my best! The rest, only God can deal with it :)
If I get it, I'd go to Paris in September... if I don't, well, try another conference ;)

Well, back to my excitement! I am going to a one-day trip to Conwy Castle in Wales tomorrow with my beloved hubbie. I am super duper excited to have a one-day full of fun! I pray that the sun will be shining and the day will be warm, blue skies ahead. :)



  1. moga2 berhasil ya sher!!
    and have fun di wales!!

  2. semoga papernya diterima ya.. dan having fun di conwy castle :D

  3. aduh enak2 nya jalan2 ama hubby ke castle , ditunggu laporannya say .
    semoga paper di accept yah !

  4. Sukses ya say ,semoga berhasil ! dan selamat jalan2 di walles !

  5. Moga2 sukses tuh!! :)

    Btw, jangan lupa laporan jalan2nya yaa, hehehe

  6. Wish you all the best Sher, semoga di-accept papernya ya.. bisa jalan2 ke PAris, ke Eiffel tower. hihi


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