A sad day...

I was really hoping it was the sign...
I was really happy of the thought; the tiny life inside me...
All of the changes I felt last week gave me the idea of it...
The lateness, the hunger, the cheerfulness and even the different pains I felt.

I guess it's not quite the time yet.
Things don't always go my way.

BUT I am sure my GOD plans for the best and it is coming.

The bright side of this?
Lan is much more prepared.
Lan is more aware that, for me, it is time for our little family to expand.

And just for that, I am forever grateful.
That something good comes out of this sad day.


  1. ayo terus berusaha dan berdoa...
    kita sama2 masih menunggu nih... hehe :D

  2. semangat ya nie, gua juga kadang sering begitu kok, tapi seringan emang false alarm dia gua mah hehe.. coba lagi :P

  3. Sabar ya Sher..
    Tuhan tau apa yang paling baik buat kita.

  4. Tuhan pasti tahu kapan yg terbaik say , jangan sedih ya , paling gak sekarang lan udah siap semoga yg selanjutnya yg berhasil dan berkati , amen

  5. Wah Sher, terakhir kali kukira kamu masih lamu mau ngisi-nya, nggak tau-nya sekarang udah siap yah ^ ^ Kudoain biar saat-nya segera tiba ya!

    3 of my close friends are pregnant right now and my timeline (twitter) is filled with their stories, it makes me wanna experience it too but in my case that's not allowed just yet X_X

  6. tetep semangat Sher :-) the right time will come. sama2 berusaha yah.. hehe.. siapa tau barengan kan asyik ^^

  7. Wah, yang sabar ya, memang belum waktunya tuh berarti :-) Yg penting mikir positif aja, jadinya ke depannya dikelilingi sama hal2 yang positif :-)

  8. I've been there Sher... dan aku percaya Tuhan sudah siapkan yang terbaik. Tetap semangat ya, salam kenal... :)

  9. yang sabar yah sher , memang blum waktunya :)

  10. i think you need some massage and yoga to comfort yourself. wish you all the best for future dear.


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