Got my provisional driving licence!

Yay!!! My provisional driving licence has arrived today! I am so ecstatic! I thought it will take a LONG time for it to arrive, but within a week, it's HERE!
So, Lan has enrolled me on 20-hours lesson in BSM (British School of Motoring) and it will start on 9th July 2010. I am super excited to properly learn to drive :)

It will be good to be able to go around by ourselves when I get my proper licence one day. We won't have to be dependent on the trains/buses any more. That'd be real good ;)

Well that's it for now. Off to my implementation again =D
All the glory and honours to you, my Lord, Jesus Christ.
You are my strength and where my help comes from...
Thank you for the words that remind me;
That when the enemies strike, You are in the midst of the war.
That You are doing everything for our victory.
That You care, that You know how I feel.

That, no matter what, You are for me, not against me.

Lord, I live for you.


  1. provisional DL itu maksudnya boleh nyetir tapi didampingin gitu ya sher?

    moga2 bisa segera dapet DL ya...

  2. congratz!! Mudah2an cepat lulus tuh jadi ga harus yg provisional lagi, hehe. Kalo di UK nyetirnya di kanan ato kiri sih??

  3. Arman: Iya bener banget, Man :) Perjalanan masih panjang heheheh....

    Zilko: Di sini nyetirnya kayak di Indo, Ko :)

  4. Yay... congrats Sher. Provisional DL itu nyetir tapi harus didampingi yg punya full licence Sher? Berapa lama pegang Provisional DL baru boleh ambil driving test Sher?

  5. baru gua mau tanya provisional itu apa, ternyata itu toh maksudnya :)
    good luck ya sher :D

  6. wuaahh congratz yak nie...ciayouu :)

  7. Selamat, Sher, dan juga selamat berjuang! Hihihi...

  8. wah, kalo gitu berarti di Eropa daratan kebalikannya Indo dong?? (waktu itu pernah nonton film yg bilang kalo di UK sm Eropa daratan beda nyetirnya, hehe). Bener nggak sih?? :)

  9. Yup! European drives on the other side of the road :) Europe is the same as China.

  10. Horreeeeeeee..congrats ! Yg dampingi sapa, Sher kalo nyetir? Lan? Kalo gak didampingi, distop kenak berapa Sher?

  11. Dian: Yang dampingi nanti instructornya hahahaha... Kalo ga didampingi, finenya bisa sampe 1000 pounds >.<

  12. waaaw,.. bentar lagi bisa keliling UK dong....

  13. yeayyy , selamat yahh . abis blajar 20 jem itu ada test lagi yah ? gutlak !


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