June means...

Can't believe that we are half-way 2010 already! Gosh...
June started with both Lan and I being sick. Yep, bad cold! I had it first, but in a mild level, then passed to him.
Lan would cough like a strangled rooster and it's just not funny! At night it would bother me so much *I am so noise-sensitive* and I end up not sleeping until dawn. I'd wake up feeling horrible and, then, started having this annoying itchy feeling in my throat! Not fun at all. We're like a couple in a quarantine. Staying home and being sick. LOL!
We are better now, though. Lan started to go to office again this morning. As for me, I'm having hard time with my sleep. Blah. My body is feeling like it's just been under a running double-decker bus! On top of it, I got plenty of bad dreams lately.

Anyhow, I'm still kind of ecstatic! Next month, we will be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. Life is really a blur when you are spending it with someone you love so much :) I have to say, I am HAPPY! This is one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life. Through all the flaws that we have, we are perfect match for each other. And, no, I can't live without him any more.

The weather is also muchhhh better lately. It seems like we are going to have a beautiful summer! I am excited for short-sleeves clothes and shorts and sandals! Get some vitamin D for sure, to kill the eczema ;)

Overall, I am just truly thankful for what I have, even my struggles. Through the downs, I appreciate and see how The Lord and my husband (and my loved ones) are always there to pick me up. Through the ups, I understand that happiness is much more meaningful when we share it!

June is already looking better :)


  1. gua juga noise-sensitif kalo tidur, kadang kalo david ngorok gua juga gak bisa bobok.. mestinya minum obat batuk yang ada obat tidurnya kan jadi bisa tidur nyenyak.. tapi sukurlah skarang udah sehat :)
    disini malah sering ujan loh.. padahal mestinya juni kan summer juga disini..

  2. oya yah ga kerasa udah msk bulan ke 6 , uda pertengahan taun 2010 he22
    sukurlah kamu berdua udah pulih dr sakit n cuaca udah lbh bgs
    jadi hrs tetep semangat yah Nie .

  3. ho oh udah 1/2 taon berlalu yak.... cepetnyaaa... hehehe persiapanku belon beres apa2, tau2nya dah mo penghujung taon yak.. :)
    nanti ada acara apa buat ngerayain anniversarynya?

  4. Iya nih, cepat amat waktu berlalu, tiba2 sudah Juni lagi. Wedew...

    Wah, tiba2 sudah mau third anniversary nih!! Selamat yaa...

  5. moga2 bulan juni emang jadi bulan yang baik ya... soalnya taun2 lalu biasanya gua dapet bonus di bulan juni! huahahaha.. ngarep... :P

  6. Iya cepet bgt ya Sher, dah pertengahan taon lagi. kayanya baru kemaren kamu merit, hehehehe, tinggal sebulan lagi 3rd wed. anniversary. waktu bener2 cepet bgt...

    Puji Tuhan kalian dah pulih, emang plg ga enak sakit yah. apalagi waktu summer kan time to enjoy the weather.

    Aku paling suka bulan juni, karna bulan ultah - byk sodara2 yg ultah bulan ini, termasuk aku. hehehe.. so i'm already in a very happy mood dari tgl 1 juni. hahaha..

  7. Jaga kesehatan, kalian berdua. Cuaca kayaknya bakal masih kacau, minimal mertua bilang gitu. Kelihatannya sih letusan gunung di Islandia situ membawa pengaruh.

  8. iya say cepet banget waktu berlalu , tahu2 udah juni , tapi moga2 summer tahun ini gak cepet berlalu ya , semoga indahnya lebih berasa lama..

  9. same here .. ade gw kalo malem suka cetek2 tuh keypad henpon aja rasanya pengen gw lempar toge , noise sensitive banget soalnya :(

    aniwei .. hepi anniversary yah ... and stay healthy :D


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