And he's gone.

My heart is half a wreck today. He's up in the air right now heading to Dubai, before flying to Beijing. I cried, he cried. I saw him off, disappeared into the train that took him to Manchester Airport. And I waited, I saw the train slowly heading away from me. And there he went...

I tired myself today. Walked around town, bought a few essential stuffs and ended up watching Rio 3D. It is a great movie! I love it! It'd be more lovely if I watched it with you, honey... *sigh* I cried at the happy ending. My heart aches like I can't describe it.

And now, the wait... until the 1st of June.


  1. Big hug for you Sher, anytime you'll need someone to chat/talk to, just email me yah =)

  2. aduh sedih nya .. big hug ....

  3. Oh SHerly, I'll be thinking of you over the next few weeks. Stay strong. Di x

  4. samaan kita sher, gua juga lagi sendirian ditinggal david tugas ke brunei. tapi lu lebih lama gua cuma sampe pertengahan mei.
    cia you sher, jalan2 aja, eh gimana ke parisnya? jadi kan?


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