The birthday of special someone

Today, as promised, I rang him for his birthday. Seemed that he was looking forward to the call very much that I could hear how happy he was to receive my phone call from his ‘hello’.
We talked of many things, had some good laughs and times of releasing our longing towards each other. Although it was only a half-an-hour conversation, I know we are both really happy for the phone call. We both missed each other’s voices very much, the laughter, and the jokes, but we both understood that the cost of a phone call can shock everybody if we did not keep in mind how long we have been speaking. Yes, international (long distance) relationship is really very expensive! However, for the sake of his birthday, it is an exception. I want him to be happy always!

Well, I know this is the last birthday of his to be spent without me being close, and he knows that too! Starting July this year, we will be united as one. Yes, what you are thinking is right, my friends! I am getting married!
To whom? To the secret someone that I have mentioned several times in my posts.
For the revealing moment, wait just a little longer hehehehe.... ;)

Anyway, here is the photo of Mee-a, Grace and I in the photobox on Mee-a's birthday :) For more explanation, have a look at Mee-a's blog


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hoaaaaa.... mao ngubek2 post lama dah, ketinggalan cerita sayah keekekkeke

    so happy for you dear mwahhhhhhh. lagu yg tadi mark nikollaj - she's got that... uda kuganti jepun skrg hieheiehie

    have a great weekend sher =))

  3. wow congratz sher,tambah penasaran sapaa sihh, ayo donk buru press conferenceee,hihihih


  4. ..... akhirnya ......
    mau nikah juga ... *ta menyangka, tapi...SELAMAT!!*

  5. sumpeh loe, sher.. r u getting married? wah congratz yee.... n one again happy birthday 2 ur secret admirer n may god always bless him...

  6. happy bday yaa bwt calon misua..
    nikmatin aja LDRna kan bentar lg resmi:P
    bahagiana dirimuw =)

  7. beneran sher???
    wah... congratz... ya sher.....

    mana neh calonnya kok belum dimunculin??

  8. sheerr, apa kabar? waah, happy birthday ya buat calon suami. moga2 sehat, sukse, murah rejeki. hehehe.

  9. waaaaaaaa... congratz yahhh... :)

  10. woaaahhh CONGRATSS!! kegnya g tau sapa neh.. lu balik ama si doi ya ya sapa tuh namanya g jadi lufa kog ya... iya kannn!!!

  11. wah sher, walopun april mop udah lewat, ini bukan april mop kaan???

    selamat yaaa, sukses persiapannya :)

    ditunggu muka calonnya lhoo :))


  12. Hello,

    Salam kenal:) aku temennya retno:)sama2 tinggal dibelanda:)
    COngratulations ya dah mo married:)

  13. Sherly chayank, sorry beratz baru nongol lagi... makhlum uda punya dua gandengan :)... Happy belated Easter plus happy belated birthday to him yaaa :)...hmmm, bikin penasaran ajah nih, emang pacaran itu mahalnya ruar biasa non... duuhh, apalagi telp telponan, coba kalo ada di eropa siapa tau bisa telp yg brapa cent per menit gitu yaahh, kalo dari Indo yaaa kayanya masih blom ada deh yg gituan...sabar sabar :)... Sun Grace yg banyak yaaah :)

    XXX Shierly

  14. ciyee...

    dah siap2 luluran dong Sher ^^

    congrat deh semoga boleh nebak-nebak buah manggis kan...calonnya Lan yah sher ;;) *guess* :D

  15. asiiiiiiiiik.. congrats ya sis.. pokonya ditunggu kabar2 terbarunya.. nanti aku diundang ya :P

  16. conrats ya sher!
    ikut bahagia wis...

    *lama gak kabar

  17. wah selamat ya sher bulan july nti getting married:) semoga bahagia selalu ya :)

  18. dih ? ngga ada angin ngga hujan ngga petir ngga tukang siomay kok tau-tau merid bulan juli ? weeleehh... calon misua sapa nich ? ^_*

    eniwei selamat dech semoga persiapannya lancar sampe hari H-nya :D

  19. Kak sher, sbenarnya aq udah duga di email kmarin, pasti undangan nikah deh. Hehe.. Congrats ya utk both of you.

    btw, udah ikut bimbingan pranikah blom kak? Pasti udah lah.

    aq jg benci prokok yg kebangetan dan ga punya prasaan, ih.. I hate smokers too

  20. I am getting married!
    Semoga aku ngak salah baca yah Sher, Good Luck 4 U. Ntar kalau meritnya sukses cerita2 biar ketularan gitu, pengen, hihihihi.

    Selalu senang mendengar orang bilang ia akan segera menikah, berarti ada yang akan berada dalam kebahagiaan, pray 4 U all the best ya Sher.



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