Passover Trip

Friends, I will be on hiatus for the weekend. I am going to Surabaya again for Easter holiday by car. It's my cousin's 17th birthday and we already promised that we will be there for the celebration...
So even with Lapindo mud in Porong, we are still going. Pray for a safe journey for us.

God bless you all and have a great Easter! :)

Update: Today, I met Since. Yesterday, she phoned me after she asked my phone number before she left Holland. Well, we finally met and had a very great chat! I am very glad to meet her! Hopefully, after I come back from Surabaya next week, we will be able to meet up again!

Looking forward to that, Sin! ;)


  1. have a nice trip yaa... :)

    koq ga naik pesawat aja?? Skarang lumpurnya kan makin parah tu...

  2. wahhh have a safe n nice trip ya, mudah2an gak bete di jalan (macet).. btw g bete d ama SB loe (sorry!) g gak bs shout, masa minta nick, url n email molo dari maren, n then maren jg dibilang lagi under construction, weird huh?? - Sunny

  3. wah ke surabaya nih.. huehuehe...

    ati2 ya di porong.. :)

  4. ati2 di jalan.. met berlibur, met paskah en sampein met ulangtaun juga :)

  5. have a nice trip, beib...
    and happy easter too...

  6. Safe trip ya, Sher.. God bless you all!

  7. kalunge grace mari hari minggu
    udah tak rayu supaya mari sabtu

  8. wah, ada yang kopdaran nii... :D

    cerita2 dong, he3... :) :)

  9. Happy Passover, kak sherly...

    TiTi DJ (ati ati di jalan) and JBU :D

  10. cihuiii yg abis kopdaran, you girls looks great =))

    have a safe flight and do enjoy ur trip... asik euyy easter bareng family di Surabaya =)) (skalian melepas rindu dengan mia ya hehe)

  11. met hiatus yaa :)
    moga2 menyenangkaan ~

  12. semoga perjalanannya lancar ya...
    n happy easter for you and family

  13. hepi easter yach, sher. have a nice n fun trip yach... GBU

  14. Wah...kayak kakak adek nih!...

    Happy Easter Nie...GBU.


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