
Ever since the first posting about Lan-lan, my first turtle pet, I have been very keen on taking care my little cute pets. Now, I have 5 turtles! I love them and keep close observation on them. They all have names; Lan-lan (the first turtle I have), Fatty & Lin-lin (the second pair of turtles I got), and Scooby & Snoopy (the last pair I just bought during Easter holiday). Everytime I went back to Surabaya, I brought them with me, clean their box and change their water everyday (I use drinking water! Hehehe... what a special turtle! :P)
At the moment, I am very concerned about one of my turtles, named 'Fatty'. He is not eating his food and does not stretch his neck when I put my finger above him as usual. He keeps avoiding all his friends and stays at one side by himself. I am very sad about this :( Anybody has ever known this problem with their turtle pets? If any of you do, please let me know what to do...


  1. kenapa ya si fatty itu? mungkin dia sedang jatuh cinta.. hehehehe.. *ditimpuk*

    atau mungkin dia ingin bebas?
    atau sakit kali...!!

  2. wuih yg satu lagi namanya lan-lan yah curiga hihihi *wink*

    sakit kali sher ato kebanyakan makan??

  3. waduh.

    boso enggres..

    gak mudeng..


  4. kalo pet-nya menjauh dari kumpulannya artinya dia stress kak. bisa disebabkan parasit (tapi kayaknya kak sherly meliharanya bagus, pake air minum) ato mungkin ada luka di badannya, coba cek di sekujur tubuhnya, mungkin ada yang menyangkut dan membuat luka. sama halnya kayak kucing2 dan anjing di rumahku, kadang2 hewan juga mau stress...

    JBu K'sherly....

  5. aduh kura2nya lucu2 deh, cute, salam kenal ya sama lan lan

  6. Aaaiih.. mau dongg, Sher...! Lucuuu... ;-)

  7. wah, kura2nya diperhatiin banget tu, he3... :)

    Asal jangan pake air mineral evian aja, mahal buanget soale, lol

  8. yeah i know!!!
    it's coz u called it FATTY!!!
    animals have feelings too u know!
    u dont have to be so blatant about his appearance...i mean, im sure he wouldnt like to be fat if he got a choice...

    SHAME ON U!!!!

  9. wahh.. piara kura2?? kan ga bisa dielus2 huhuhuh *pecinta kucing dan anjing*

  10. uwaa... kura2nya lucuu... lagi stres kali mbak, or pengen refreshing kali ya.. he3.

  11. Sher halo baru ol neh^^ wah kura2ny lucu jadi inga si Bobi wkt kecil^^ yo klo si fatty ga mo makan tandany sakit, coba pisahkn dgn yg lain untuk sementara n kasi ikan kecil atau mknn ikn, lalu setiap pagi n siang kasi untuk berjemur minimal 30mnt-1jam. btw, kura2ny suka dikasi berjemur kn? klo sakit liat dari perubahan karapaksny n kulitny sher, klo pucat bgt itu waspada. btw, bole tau cara perawatan kak Sher thd lan2, fatty, lin2,scooby n snoopy^0^?thx sher^0^ wah sekalian blg selamat y dgn lan^0^ ^0^ ^0^ awet n bahagia selalu^^ JBU, ps semoga blm terlambat u/ Fatty (_ _")


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