.: 23 :.

my surprise tiramisu23is officially my age now! Not as depressed as usually, simply because I have someone to be by my side all my life now...
Well, I felt better yesterday (Saturday) and was looking forward to have a special birthday dinner with my lovely husband, Lan. Let me share my story of this year's birthday.

16 Nov 2007

Friday night, Lan came home later than I expected him to be, saying that he had to mark the bachelor students' assignments and got really busy. However, I did not realise that it was his excuse to run to city centre and bought my favourite cake, tiramisu. He came home with a box of chocolate and a black forest cake, apologizing for not being able to find tiramisu. I was already very happy though. He is so caring, that I don't want to ask for more. He is simply the best.
THANK YOU, honey!We had bacons and potatoes for dinner and everything went normal. After dinner, we watched Naruto (the Japanese weekly anime) together. When we finished, he excused himself to the kitchen to cook some water (we use normal kettle to cook water to save on electricity). Several minutes later, he asked me to come to him. 'There is some problem with the stove', that is what he said. I am still not suspicious...
When I get to the kitchen, it was dark! What is it? He sang the 'happy birthday' song and hugged me. It was a SURPRISE! Oh my Jesus, he is so so so sweet! *it was 2 days before my actual birthday and he is being so nice!*

FYI: Tiramisu means 'take me with you'.

17 Nov 2007

the Italian restaurantIn the morning, as usual, we took sometime to chat with Lan's parents. I really 'fall' in love with my new papa and mama! I am really grateful that I get very nice parents in law, they love me like their own daughter, always get excited to hear me practicing my Mandarin and to communicate with me. I simply love them.
After the conversation, we went to do the weekly grocery shopping; some vegetables, eggs and snacks. The day was cold but no rain. We were happy about that, thinking and hoping that it will not rain when we are going for the dinner. Anyway, the UK weather is never predictable. As much as we hoped it will not rain, it was pouring rain when we walked down to the restaurant!
The Italian restaurant, Il Forno, is one of the best restaurants in Liverpool. When we went in, they welcomed us so warmly. The waiter was so friendly and great! He took our coat and jacket to put them in the cloak room and helped us with the order.our order These are what we ordered:
- Bruchettas and 'Il Forno' insalate (salad) for appertizers
- Main meals: Lasagna for me and pizza for Lan
- Drinks: Orange juice
- Dessert: vanila ice cream with Bailey's Irish cream and chocolate shavings on top.

All of them were very very delicious and worth the price (and they are not expensive either!). The restaurant has a warm atmosphere, but very busy, lively and vibrant. The service is excellent, the price is affordable and the food is beyond our expectation. We were really satisfied with our dinner and we went home very happy and full. We highly recommend Il Forno restaurant for those, who might visit Liverpool and expect a great Italian food! One thing though, make sure you book first! Hehehe...
After dinner, we went home to watch Stardust on the computer. It is a nice fantasy movie.

18 Nov 2007

my beloved husband!We just stayed at home and spent a lot of time talking and sharing thoughts with each other. We were going to go out, but since the weather forecast said it is cold and rainy today, we just cancelled it.
Lan cooked lunch and dinner today. He especially cooked noodle and spring onion soup for me today. It was delicious and warm.

Oh my... I am one a lucky person! I got the best husband I could get in my life! I can never thank Jesus enough for all the love that surrounds me, through my husband, family and friends! Life is wonderful, because I walk with Jesus!

Thank you.
For more pictures, visit HERE.


  1. wah, Lan romantis sekali tuh, hahaha... :)


    Eh, disana lasagna sama pizza-nya mirip gak sama yg disini?? :)

  2. Wah...
    Lama juga ya ternyata, oww.. pasti mahal ya tiketnya, apalagi gw ya. bisa ga makan setahun. hehe, anyway.. Tu suami lo ya?? wih, roMantis pisan euy.. hahahaha...

  3. huhuhuhu.. jadi pengen punya suami.. heuheuheuue... :P

    btw sis sherly masih muda sekali sudah menikah.. asik ya nikah muda? :P

  4. Hueeee romantissss buangettttttttttttttttt j jj jj addiii pp eengennn hahahahaha. Happy bday once again yaaa. Gw yakin dan percaya abis tiup lilin tidak berhenti sampai di situ saja ceritanya bukannn, pastinya berlanjut somewhere else ihihihihihihihhh sok tauuu yahhh. Anyways, tiramisu = take me with you? It's beyond sweet!!!

    Gag pesen delivery buat kirim ke Indo yah makanannya hehehe

  5. happy birthdaaaaaaaaaayyy.....

    aiiih suamimu romantis ya...

    eh lumayan dapat guru buat practice mandarin. enak ya punya mertua..aku dah gak punya.

  6. wuih seneng bener baca postinganmu yg ini. totally sweet :)
    ikut seneng nie:) hapy bday lg ya:)

  7. that's beautiful, sis...

  8. Met ultah ya.. (sorry telat!).
    Semoga yang di cita-cintakan selalu terkabul.

    God bless!


  9. happy B'days Sher wish u all the best !! maap yak telat ;))

  10. Wah.. kalo gini, jadi pengen cari istri nih.. Bikin ngiri aja.

  11. hihihihi...untung aja waktu di idopin lampu yang nongol bukan penampakan.hahaha...

    btw, selamat ulang taon ya..

  12. halo shierly...happy besdey yah...hm...mesra amat tuh fotonya....

  13. happy belated birthday yah sher...
    duuhh... lama gk mampir, pas mampir bikin mupeng ajah ceritanya :P
    jadi pengen kawin, gyahahaha...

  14. piye iki.. sorry yak baru online so baru bisa ngucapin selamat ultah semoga panjang umur selalu disayang misua, n sukses selalu, GBU :)


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