What's with ME?

For the last 2 months, ever since I landed in UK, I have not been 100% healthy. There is always something that keep me in bed; severe headache, painful joints and sometime problematic pain in stomach. I don't know what is really going on with me.
My supervisors and Lan are worried and keep telling me to go and see doctor, which I really am avoiding to do so simply because of the possible disappointment of long wait! However, today, I can't take it anymore! I went to book a doctor appointment. Thank God, I can see doctor tomorrow afternoon.

I have been worried about my progress, because I spent lots of time staying at home, unable to get a grip of myself. Even checking email and posting on my blog are quite an effort to make. Anyway, I pray that whatever illness I have right now, God will take it away.

Update: Been to the doctor yesterday and doctor required me to do a blood test on Friday and to come back and see her 2 weeks from now. Well, let's hope nothing terrible/critical happens.


  1. hahaha, hopefully it's just nothing. Mungkin karena baru pindahan lagi ke UK tu, jadinya perlu penyesuaian... ;)

  2. duwh mudah"an bukan sakit serius ya sist,,
    jaga kesehatan n jgn kecapean atuh :)
    huhuw lama bgt ya aku ga maen kecini dah ganti layout lg,,

  3. wah sakit lagi yach, sis... iya betul tuh maybe setelah skian lama di indo n br ke UK lagi so lagi adaptasi ma cuaca disana kale.... but get well soon yach... GBU

  4. jadi gmn sher? dah ke dokter kan?
    ntar ternyata pregnant :P

  5. Kalo kata orang2 sekarang sih, ada yg dikenal namanya Sindrom Gedung Sakit. Mungkin itu ya. Lingkungan kerja yg keliatan bersih tapi sebenarnya full residu bhan kimiawi. Entah juga deng. Aku jg ga bisa ngasih jawaban.

    Btw, hometown sista sherly ini koq panas amat? Hotter than Jkt, IMO :D

  6. mudah mudahan sakit ringan biasa ya..and gampang sembuh

  7. Sher knp sih, yg kemaren blom sembuh jg? Senewen kali ya baru jadi ibu rumah tangga? Smg ga knpa2 ya, get well soon GBU sis

  8. Whatever it is, hopefully you're ok...i just curious...mungkin perubahan udara, tempat, kehidupan....well...let's see d doctor :-)

  9. bisa jadi isi peyutnya ade bayi tuh Sherly, amin..ikut doa ajah, siapa tahu memang benar yaa.

    kalau bukan, yaa usaha lageee..he.he.

  10. walah walah, koq malah tambah bikin deg2an kaya gitu sih dokternya?? ck ck ck... . moga2 gapapa deh...

  11. Semoga 'gak ada yg serius Sher. Cepat sembuh ya!!

  12. mudah2an ga kenapa2 ya.. cepet sembuh, sist! *hugs*

  13. Hehehehehe... met weekend juga bu guru...

    Wah jaga kesehatan yak bu... :)

  14. get well soon, sher!
    hope the blood test come back with nothing!

  15. Gejalanya koq kayak flu perut yach....ato jangan2 mau hamil nih Sher?
    Cepet sembuh ya.


  16. cepet sembuh ya sis
    smoga ga ada apa2
    aku sih pengennya bukan sakit, tapi dpt ponakan baru.

    yang seneng si grace kali :)

  17. hehehe, emang sih, sebisa mungkin, jangan sakit yah... ke dokternya itu bikin bt. Suamiku juga ke dokter buat test darah sampe harus bolak balik dua kali, tp abis itu enak juga dpt free medicine. Semoga baik baik saja ya Nie, GBU and have a nice weekend.


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