Early birthday present

As some of you are aware of, my 23rd birthday is 2 weeks away. Well... like never before, I receive a birthday present very early this year. Lan bought me a bright red coat to replace my old black coat that he does not like. He keeps saying that I look old when wearing the black coat, so he had me to leave the black coat in Bali. You can see me wearing the black coat from ~here~. That means when I returned to UK, I did not have any coat with me (as I only had one coat, it is too expensive to have more than one!). Hence, I struggled with the cold weather, only by wearing jacket. So, as the weather grows colder, my beloved Lan bought me this very bright coat, which he chose and likes it very much.
We first saw it in Chester when we had a day trip there last month in a shop named 'Coast', but did not immediately buy it. Then we looked around in Liverpool for other alternatives, but he only likes that one. Tried to find it in Coast shops in Liverpool, they only have the black ones... and so, he bought it for me over the Internet and it arrived several days ago. I have to say that I am going through a 'make-over' ever since I returned to UK. Lan comments a lot on my appearance and changes it; buy me hats, bags and some jackets. I am very thankful to The Lord to have a very caring husband. He cares and thinks about me so much...

At the same time, I am thanking The Lord for giving me such kind parents-in-law. Mama and Papa (Lan's parents) sent me lots of gifts; 2 pairs of shoes, delicious food, some clothes and even some books for learning Chinese. Every weekend, we will have conversation together and I am learning Chinese bit by bit and they are really supportive. I feel so blessed!

Well, it has been a long time since the last post... Yep, I have not been in the mood to post and, last week, I had to go to a 3-days workshop, which really costed most of my energy. It was fun meeting other people and having to not sit in the office for three days, but at the same time, I really missed Lan, because I did not see him for during the day as usual. Not that it is over, I have to return to the work that I have to do...

Have a great week ahead, friends! God bless you!
I keep asking myself...
Why did I fall in love with you?
Why did I marry you?
Why do I want to spend the rest of my life with you?

And, yet, as always, I go speechless.
I question love...
But I answer nothing but love.

I love you.

- nie, 04 November 2007


  1. ah ini mah namanya misua dah kebelet ngasih kado... yaelah ultahnya masih 2 minggu lagi, anyway baguslah yang penting dia udah niat itu poinnya :)

  2. wakakaka, kalo udah jatuh cinta sama 1 barang emang susah ya suka sama barang sejenis yang lain model, hahaha... . itu jg terjadi pada saya waktu nyari kacamata, hehehe.... lol

    eh, walo awal, ikutan Lan ah, HAPPY B'DAY yah, huehehehehe.... :D

    eh, blajar bhs mandarin susah gak sih?? :)

  3. swear Sher...cerah rah rah...tapi bener lho...you look young and sweet in that color. Gw ikut seneng lho lo happy dengan suami dan mertua2 lo...Senang ya Sher...salam untuk suami dan semua ya...

  4. Satu! Emberrrr!!! Kamu emang kayak tante-tante make coat item itu :D
    Dua! Kamu cantik, ceria en rada "nakal" dengan coat merahnya. Aku suka :)

  5. Sherly, wah seleranya Lan bagus juga, jaketnya lucu dan merahnya keren! Coba baret-nya warna merah sama kayak coat-nya or item trus pake high heels item *ngences* (loh?) haha

    It's always nice to read about a happy marriage life, always make me wanna uh uh (lol)

  6. coatnya cakep. aku suka orang yg berani makai warna cerah, gak melulu item.

    hubby udah gak tahan mau ngasi kado kekkeekk...

  7. eh barusan klik coat itemnya, coatnya keren kok hiihi kok ditinggal sih. buat acara formal khan ok.

  8. wah tambah cantik deh pakai mantel merah... apalagi yg makai-nya juga bersemu merah pipinya

    Met nunggu 11 hari lagi Sher :)

  9. lho disana msh tgl 6 yak? met nunggu 12 hari lagi deh klo gitu :D

  10. Sometime we don't realize how happy we are as a human being...And we just realize it when some of our friends remind us of our B'day...HAPPY B'DAY Sherly ( in waiting ). Wish u'r B'day become a wonderful day and may God bless you and take care of you as he always did...: -)

  11. God..aku ketinggalan banyak berita di sini. Lama gak kesini..aku kira Sherly masih single dan enjoy dengan sekolah-sekolahnya...ternyata Sherly udah gede he..he..alias udah married. Selamat ya sher...moga awet sampe anak cucu....^_^

  12. I love the coat, Sher!! Kebetulan red is my fave color, so I love it.. it looks great on you! :))
    Happy bday in advance yaa Sher.. takut kelupaan ntar ngucapinnya. Wahhh klo baca cerita2 kmu ama hubby, reminds me of my first year of marriage nih. so sweeet :))

  13. wow jacketnya cakep banget... miswah cinta sekali :P, sherly... kita dah deket ni... boleh mampir ke rumahmu ndak :P

  14. Sherly...orang cina bgt suamimu itu...maunya yang merah..pantang sama warna hitam hahahaha....

    You know..me happy bgt baca blog you belakangan ini, semoga ntar blog me nanti juga hadir cerita begini yah..doain yah sher...

    Btw..soal anak mr.K..biasalah orang cina...lebih menyayangi anak pertama...btw suamimu anak ke berapa?hahahahaha*kidding*

    Happy always yah...belajar mandarin yah..mau pingsan dah me sama yg akar2 begitu..hihihihi...tulisan taiwan sama RRC beda...hiks.

    God Bless Both of U:)


  15. Hay, salam kenal ya...
    Blognya bagus...
    gw Grandi dari bali...

  16. Wah, makasi ya uda mampir2 ke blog gw... kuliahnya jauh ya?hehehe.. aku nabung berapa tahun ya bisa kesana.. ada yahoo mesenger ga??oya, gw taruh ya nama blog lo di Blog gw.. biar rame aja temen2 gw..hehhe..

  17. kata org cinta ga butuh jawaban.bener ga sih?

  18. Wah, makasi.. uda gw link, hehehe btw, hah? di Liverpool?jauh bgd, aduh lo suruh gw nyari beasiswa, haduh, gw uda bodoh gini.. hehehe... ga mungkin de ampe sono, gw masi semestr 1 di Udayana.. Lo uda lama disana??


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