
We're back from our Christmas holiday, both are sick of FLU (all the blocked/snorty noses and sore throats). Well, apart from being sick, we had a great time in Edinburgh.
We took off by train on Tuesday (23.12.08) morning and arrived around 1 p.m. in Edinburgh. We were 'given' a very beautiful scenery along the way up there; green landscape with hills and mountains, sheeps feeding on the green grass, simply blissful! Arrived in Edinburgh Waverley station, the cold weather greeted us, praise The Lord it was dry all the way. By the time we were out of the station, there were so many people buzzing around... Oh my! This town is so busy!

To me, Edinburgh is a pretty historical city. It is unique with the ups and the downs (good for exercising!), also, it has many little boutique-like shops. Cute! I myself, love it! The architectures are simply astonishing... it's like a modern era with a touch of the magnificent past. So unique and breathtaking!
As tourists, we find Edinburgh city centre to be very friendly. It has a lot to offer; not hard to find food (except on the Christmas day!) and many places to go.

On the first day, we did not go around much. We got to the hotel, had some rest and, then, headed out for dinner. We did stop at the Edinburgh Christmas Festival to get a ride on one of the attractions (something like London's eye, what do you call those things?) to enjoy Edinburgh from up above a little bit before we had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe (after queuing for quite awhile). I remember we went back home with stomaches ready to explode, just because the portions were so huge!

Second day was spent mainly at Edinburgh castle and around there. Since it is a holiday, we don't really rush... we got up late and relax. We had to pay £10 per person to get in (a bit expensive, but, hey, it's once in a lifetime thingy that I would do!). We both loved the mini adventure around the castle, although, even if given the chance, would prefer not live there! I enjoyed the scenery of the city from up above the castle. It was simply beautiful... The castle speaks for itself; the gates, the walls, the rooms within, they told stories. It somewhat made me imagine those who really lived there....

Third day - Christmas day! We had problem finding place to eat! Hahaha! After a long walk through the famous princes street, we finally found a Chinese restaurant that was open. God, they are clever! It was sooooo expensive, but... we had no choice! Good thing that the food was nice and their service was superb, otherwise, I'd be crossed haha! After lunch, we wandered around the town centre, took some photos.

Fourth day is Boxing day is Shopping day! Hahaha... It's the day where all the shops gone mad with discounts and people gone mad with shopping! We got some bargains; Lan got a new pair of Clark shoes and a vest, I got some cardigans :) In the afternoon, we met up with my new friend, Mbak Yufrita, in front of Jenners (a huge shop) to go to her house for dinner.
Mbak Yufrita is a very nice person, so warm and lively! She has a beautiful family (two handsome sons, for sure! I am missing Fabian, her second son, now...) and a cozy house. Thank you so much for such a delicious dinner, Mbak! We had great time and would love to see you again soon.
By the time, we were back in the hotel, it was time to pack up. Oh how sad... We are leaving Edinburgh, first thing in the morning. :(

Overal, we LOVE LOVE Edinburgh! I hope one day, I can visit again...

Ps. Photos are coming... It's not uploaded yet hehe..


  1. Sherly, met natal ya.. met taun baru juga! wish you -and your husband- all the best in 2009!

    Boxing day.. lucu ya kenapa disebut boxing day?! Di Bld natal hari ke-2 masih libur resmi. Toko yg buka cuma toko2 meubel.

  2. Wah Nie , iri aku sama crt X'Mas Holiday mu ke Edinburgh.
    dari crt yg kamu describe aja kebayang semuanya ... aku tunggu yah potoo2 nya !
    kapan ya aku kesana ? he222

  3. asyiknya yg baru pulang liburan....

    ngambil kesempatan ya itu chinese restaurannya hehhee untung enak

  4. Yang kaya London Eye? Namanya dalam Bahasa Inggris setahuku sih ferris wheel, hehehe... :)

    Btw, Edinburgh itu masuk Scotland ga sih? Hmmmm...

  5. ...kek hanimun aja...seneng donk yang abis jalan2.
    Heran dah, porsi HR cafe emang gede2. Koq gak liat2 yang order yach?!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. ditunggu ya foto2nya... biar lebih seru ngebayanginnya... :)

  8. ditunggu foto2nya sist. hehehe

  9. iya nih liburan sambil bulan madu, cepetan ya fotonya :P

  10. I like historical thing like that. :)

  11. aduh aku kangen deh sama produk2nya marks and spencer....masih exist nggak tuh di england? dulu penggemar berat body product nya....sempet beli scarf nya disana th 95, yg sampe skr masih dipake (tahan bgt, fray proof juga lho). anyway...have a wonderful new year and holiday.......aku lg puasa ngeblog nih sher...ga tau knp kyknya dirumah ada aja yg dikerjain. paling2 cuma fb aja.

  12. Can't wait to see the pics of the castles! And the boxing day, lol. My, my I hope u'll get well soon, everytime I come here you're always sick, sis :(

  13. ya ampuuuuun nie..
    mpe baca dgn exited...halah! tetep gak ada fotonya...


  14. wow nice xmas holiday apalg di spent with the beloved one..
    enjoy ur holiday yach...

  15. hwaaa ngiri..
    anyway semoga cepat sembuh flunya =)

  16. Waah, seru! Yang bikin heran, di sana masih ada rumput hijau, ya... Keren. Kirain udah pada beku semua, karena kan letaknya lumayan di utara, hihihi.

    Cepat sembuh ya, Sher dan Lan!

  17. Holiday nya nyenengin banget, sher...
    btw, merry Xmas n happy new year yahhh... *telaattt bangettt* LOL


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