Oh My! It's December!

Yeehaa!!! It's the start of December now! It means Christmas holiday is drawing near heehee... We planned, from so long ago, to spend our Christmas this year in Edinburgh, Scotland.
FYI, although I have been here for 6 years, I rarely travel to the 'faraway' destination within the UK. The transport is so expensive, too expensive for a poor student like me. Well, we have been blessed this year, our work as tutors (semacem asisten dosen), earn us some savings to indulge ourselves a little bit (although we are saving mainly for flight tickets to go to Indo next year).

The thing is that it has been so freezing COLD lately... Much colder than the previous winters I had spent here. So, at the moment, my eczema is worse and I am also getting some flu symptoms =(

Anyhow, have a great week, everyone! God bless you always!


  1. wah asiknay yang mau liburan.... :)

  2. poor student but has bright future....it'll pay off, darling....!

    ada tag di blogku loh...

  3. setuju tuh ama si Sili , darl ...

    Moga2 cepat sembuh yah Sher , ecsem menjengkelkan banget yah , selalu kumat di musim winter gini , anak2ku menderita ecsem semua dan di kasih salep hormon ama dokter , kalau lagi kumat ...

    GBU too ..

  4. SAMA!!! Aku juga berharap untuk segera liburan Natal!!!! hahahahaha!! :) Tiga minggu kurang lagi mudik neh, hehehe... :)

    Anyway, kalo Scotland bukannya tambah makin dingin ya? Kan makin utara? Hmmmm.... . Pengen ni kapan2 jalan2 ke Inggris, wahahahaha....

  5. waakkkk i miss edinburgh....:(
    betul tuh kata sili, sher.....

  6. ah scotland pasti indah ya..meski bbbrrrrrr

    kalo pake train, mahal juga ya, sher ?

    eh kalo dinging, punggung atau lehermu akit gak ?

  7. cepet sembuh ya, biar ntar klo mudik sehat, bisa pesta kuliner bisa nyuburin badan :D

  8. Scotland sounds fund, don't forget to have pictures of Lan in a kilt! :D

  9. Take care, ya Sher. Cepet sembuh... ;-)

  10. hmm enak nya mau ke Edinburgh Scotland .. have a wonderful Christmas ya !
    ditunggu laporan nya .

  11. Wah, lagi menghitung hari ya Sher.. Hehe... Bentar lg liburannya... Yipeee...

    Udah dingin bgt di sana Sher? pake jaket yg tebel ya, kamu ada thermal kan?

    Cepet sembuh Sher, so you can enjoy this festive season with your loved ones... banyak2 makan soup.. hehe.. aku biasa kl winter suka bikin hotpot, dagingnya paling beef / chicken diiris tipis2, baso, chinese cabbage, mie, dll... yummy bgt.. & bikinnya gampang...

  12. Selamat menikmati liburan ya sher.........dam smoga cepet ilang tuh flunya....GBU

  13. met jalan2 n met 2 an ya...
    jangan lupa sharenya kalo udah pulang...

  14. Selamat menikmati liburan yang sudah didambakan...
    Foto & ceritanya ditunggu ya!

    Salam Desember 2008

  15. happy coming december juga yaaa sherrr :)
    uhhhh sukaaa bgt sm bulan iniyyy, krn natal dah kerasa bgtz!

    sherr, jgn lupa minum vitamin klu lagi flu bgtuuu, ihhh! aku siyy gag ngebayangin winter tuh dinginnya kaya gmna deh ;(

  16. Liburan natal berapa minggu Sher? gw 3 minggu tuh perusahaan tutup hihihihihi..

    Aduh mau ke Schotland..deket daerahnya Callum wakwkakwkakakaak..buset dah Callum terussss hueheheheh..

    Lu ke dokter gak? punya salep utk eksimnya? Bungkus badan anget2 Sher, di Holland jg lagi dingin..gak ku ku dah ah.


  17. senengnya yang mo liburan ke scotland...
    seandainya scotland itu deket aku pasti ngikut deh... hehehe...
    btw, sekarang ud baekan, kan, sher?

  18. Me too, i always love December. yihaaa...
    another traveling plan? wow.. Ikuuutt :D
    Moga cepet sembuh ya sher supaya liburannya lancar.


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