Fun Sunday with hubby...

Despite of the fact that I was in pain of eczema all over my body, I had a great Sunday with my hubby. We got this fabulous 2for1 voucher from Pizza Express, which we normally will not go because of the price. We had a long walk from home to the restaurant, which is by the dock.
We ordered a Arrancini as an appetizer, which is risotto and ham covered and fried with bread crumbs. As our main, Lan had Diavolo classic pizza, devilishly hot with spicy beef, pepperoni, onions and tabasco, with hot green or jalapeno peppers, and I had Pollo Verdure salad, A warm feast of torn chicken breast and chargrilled Italian vegetables tossed with honey and mustard dressing, served on rocket and baby spinach and drizzled with balsamic syrup. They both were very yummy, especially my salad! Ugh... I'd love to have another one! Hehehe... Tiramisu was our dessert, wooo... so deliciously melting-in-mouth sensation!

After our super duper delicious late lunch, we went to the cinema and watched Madagascar 2. I loveeeee it! Hillariously funny! =)
Well, that's our Sunday. How was your Sunday, friends?


  1. Sis, it's 2:26 in the morning over here and you're making me hungry with all the pics and what you wrote about it :(( Glad to hear u had a nice weekend with Lan!

  2. asiknya makan2 enak pake voucher pula... hehehe.

  3. aku juga suka tiramisu Sher , biasanya aku bikin rame rame ama anak2 , jd pengen nih abis baca ...

    wah keliatannya wikenmu menyenangkan bgt yah

  4. hussh kamu dimarahin orang inggris ntar say, nulis 'despite of' hehehhe

    wah asyik bener minggunya. aku ngapain yak minggu ? selimutan, baca novel. dingin euy.

    oh ada madagascar 2 toh....

  5. Wahh... senengnya enjoying weekend 'ma hubby ^^ Madagascar 2 bagus ya Sher? pengen nonton ah ntar pas mo christmas.. :-)

    Sher, td aku nemu link ( kl kamu register jadi new member, dapet 25poundsterling credit or USD49... :-)

  6. ya ampunnn glekkkk tu PIzza nya , longweekend maren g tepar deh krn kena flu berat . suara jd sengau .. hidung meler terus .. huhh . sempet makan Mie di Klp Gading , he22
    trus di rumah liat serial korea as usual , ga kemana agi deh ...

  7. dohh... itu tiramisu bikin ngiler... i'm salivating! kikikikk...
    btw, emang ud ada madagascar 2 yah? anak2 ku pasti seneng banget tuh...
    bagus ga, sher? compare to madagascar 1?

  8. nyamnyamm... kuenyaaaaaa!!
    wahh ada madagascar 2, smoga cepet masuk kotaku hehehe.
    aku sunday kmaren duduk2 di starbucks trus dinner trus maen pool. monday nonton pelem indo di bioskop, tadi sore(tuesday) nonton pelem twilight (2nd time) di 21...

    daku sedang mengetes dayatahan stay-awake di bioskopku nih sher haha

    have a lovely new week ya darl!

  9. wahhh ngebacanya aja ikutan kenyang plus yummy :D, minggu kemarin ya biasa jalan ke mall baru lunch a&W, suka root beer floatnya.

    menurutku lucuan madagascar 1 nya, tp klo high school musical 3 lebih bagusan drpd sebelumnya(sapa yg nanya?? :P)

  10. Serasa pacaran lagi yah Sher? Im glad u enjoy ur time.

    About my sunday, stayed home all day long to make over my room :D

  11. on sunday? we were having satay kambing from ied qurban here.. hehehe mbeekkkk

  12. indeed it was a fun sunday ya.
    perut kenyang hati senang :).

  13. disana Senin tanggal merah juga ga? haha.... . Di sini sih my Sunday biasa2 aja. Wah, lumayan tu ya dapet voucher promo, wahahaha

  14. Duh, jadi kepengen makan tiramisu...

    Cepat sembuh ya, Sher...!

  15. all the foods look yummy!!
    eh btw, eczema tuh apaan? kok bisa?

  16. kapan guah wiken ma someone yang dipanggil hubby? :D hwakakaka... btw mau donk makanannya nyumi bwanged :( huuhuhu...

  17. clearly, tiap pagi aku emang hungry

  18. Madagascar 2, aku kok 'gak tertarik ya??

  19. Hi Sherly.. sama seperti Venny suka wisata kuliner ya :) sori baru sempet ninggalin jejak.. btw, kok aku nggak bisa akses sms di kotak pesan?

    Nice blog.. salam kenal Sher :)

  20. goodie free giveaway voucher always rocks :D

  21. hhhmm....yummmyyyy...udah lama e gak makan pizza..jadi ngiler...btw...ur scrapbook so adorable...jadi pengen buat scrapbook lagi...tapi tunggu calvin masuk sekolah dulu klo gak bisa kacau semuanya...hehehehehe...

  22. i love holidays!!!!1

  23. senang bacanya....dian ibung

  24. ngiler liat itu salad kan yg pinggir2nya kek roti gitu?

    gua jg dah nonton madagascar 2..lumayan ya :)


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