Lan & Indonesian *language*

In our little family, Lan & I communicate in English. Simply because I am most comfortable with English and Lan is practising to be more fluent. There are those times where we just completely misunderstand each other and that, sadly enough, sometimes triggers fight between us. But, to communicate using his or my mother language is just impossible at the moment... We are both still trying to learn.
I pick up the Mandarin much faster because I learnt a bit before and, in addition, I hear him chatting with his parents in Mandarin almost every Saturday. But Lan does not really hear me talking in Indonesian, simply because I don't talk to my parents in weekly basis like him. I guess I don't feel that homesick any more. I've lived apart from my family for almost 10 years now... gosh a decade!
Anyhow, lately, since we are closer to the time we are going to Bali, he has been asking to teach me a few words, not that it'll help him communicate with my parents hugely, but it was fun! The words that he learns are cantik (beautiful), duit (money, LOL!), cinta (love) and sayang (love as well). The funny thing is that sometimes it is hard for him to pronounce those words without messing it up or making it sounds like a Mandarin word! Sometimes, it just makes me laugh so hard to the point of aching my stomach hehehe...
For example, the word sayang, the first time he tried to pronounced it, it was san-nyang *LOL!*... so here is my trick, I try to pick up - with my limited Mandarin's vocabulary - Mandarin words that sound the closest to the pronunciation. So for this particular word I said to him to say sa (which could mean 'kill' if translated from the Mandarin to English) and yang (which means 'goat' from Mandarin to English). So to make sure he remembers the word I say to him 'kill the goat'! Hahaha... We just laughed so hard about all these things, but it's fun. He actually and eventually remembers those words. :) And I am happy that he is making progress! I know learning language is not his best ability, but I am grateful that at least he makes effort to learn.
And now, he can - sort of - flatter my Mum by saying 'Mami cantik'! Hehehe... :)

Ps 1. Today, we received our visa to enter Dubai. Praise the Lord for that!!! I am so happy and I can't wait to get on the plane and start our vacation!
Ps 2. Tomorrow, Lan's leaving to Montreal, Canada until next Sunday. I sure am missing him already... I don't know how I'll cope being alone without him. Yes, although I've been there and done that, living my life alone for 8 years, but after I marry him, 2 years living and attached to him, things will never be the same... And although I never say it as many times as I want to, I am so grateful that he completes me. :)

Have a great weekend, friends! God bless!


  1. lho sher.. lan itu orang apa sih? gua kirain dia itu orang indo lho... hehehe

  2. haha, trik2 gitu memang sering membantu yah. Tapi lucu juga tuh, nanti kalo Lan mau ngomong "sayang" dia jadi ingetnya "kill the goat", wkwkwkw... :D

    Waa, Dubai, pengen kesanaaa, arsitektur gedung2nya bagus2 tuh, jangan lupa foto2 yah, hehehe... :) Kalo ke Dubai berarti naik Emirates yah?? Transit brapa kali tuh?

  3. wah lan lg belajar bhs indo. lakiku awal2xnya aja semangat. sampe beli program roseta.

    mandarin pake tenses juga gak kayak english?

  4. wahh lucu Nie , pinter juga lo ajarin dia pake cari kata2 mandarin yg mendekati kata yg dimaksud , ha222
    ajrin terus Nie , biar hubby pinter Bhs Indo kan mayan tuh . ha pu hau ? ha222
    wahh mau ke Dubai ??? wahh bikin iri aja .
    keren loh Dubai ! Met Wiken ya ..

  5. kirain lan juga orang indo, bukan toh? oragn maha sher?

  6. hahaha, jadi sayang itu artinya bunuh kambing ya, sher?

    jangan lupa mampir sini yah,...
    we miss lan :)

  7. Jadi kalau punya pacar Mandarin panggilan sayangnya jangan "yang"... Inget, tuh! *LOL*

    Pa kabar, bu??

  8. Wah bagus tuch Sher metode nya dalam ngajari Lan bahasa... Mungkin aku akan pake cara yang sama untuk ngajari Ian untuk kata2 tertentu...
    Iya ya... sejak kawin jadi totally different, yang dulunya sendirian biasa, sejak menikah, nggak tahan kalau ditinggal lama2... Aku dulu juga gitu... duh.. stress kalau ditinggal beberapa hari sendirian di apartement... begitu udah ada momongan lain lagi rasanya... hehehe...

  9. So, how's the first two days being apart, Sher?

    Semoga kamu punya banyak aktivitas yang bisa mengalihkan perhatian. Susah rasanya kalau tinggal di rumah doang, pasti kebayang-bayang. Apalagi kalau sampai pas tidur, huhuhu...

    Tabah, ya! :-D

    BTW, bapaknya MJ sih kalau dibercandain malah lebih cepat ngerti Bahasa Indonesia, misalnya tuh "ikat pinggang". Aku bilang beberapa kali sampai dia bisa ngikutin, lalu aku berusaha untuk mengecoh dia dengan "ikan panggang" dan "ikan pindang", hihihi...

  10. Wow Dubai.. pasti seru tu liburannya. Skrg jadi magney tourism dunia. Ntar posting cerita2 serunya dari sana ya :)


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