Seriously Scrapbooking!

Hi friends! I've decided to seriously 'dive' into the digital scrapbooking world! I am so glad to announce that I am accepted to be one of the creative team (CT) member of Rena Designs! I am so excited to be able to create layouts for her beautiful kits!

And so, here is the first kit of hers that I got to play with...

The name is Pink Dream. It's so beautiful and pinky (as the name suggests!). You can get it from HERE for $5.90.
Here is some layouts that I made with it:

Hope you like it! :)


  1. bagus LOnya :) welcome to scrapbooking world. Salam kenal ya Sherly.

  2. wah.. emang bagus2 sih nie hasilnya, t.o.p deh :D

  3. Sherly memang kreatif! :-) Seleranya okeh punya! Selamat berkreasi, ya, jeng... :-D

  4. waaah congrats....

    cakep, sher.

    eh scrapbooknya cuma buat online ya? kalo mertuaku dulu bikinnya di buku. ditempel tempelin gitu.aku bawain kerang2x-an dari bali buat scrapbooknya

  5. wahh kreatif euy...g paling ga bisa nih ada rasa seni2nya hahaha

  6. Wah Sher, lucu bangettt!!!

  7. your blog is fantastic! I love your photos in your header. way to go on the new team. here kit looks great.

  8. Artistik abis...
    Tapi, saya tak mengerti dengan bahasa inggrisnya.

  9. Congrats Sherly! And I love your layouts.

  10. cakep sher simple dan romantic, pengen bisa bikin kaya gituu tapi net ku lemot donwload atribut item nya lama banget :((

    ayoo lanjutkan Sher!!

  11. wew.. its so cozy :)

    i like it ^^

    btw, coba dibikin tonjolin simplicity :) main di typographnya juga oke.

  12. wew.. its so cozy :)

    i like it ^^

    btw, coba dibikin tonjolin simplicity :) main di typographnya juga oke.


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