Shiny Happy People

Today, I received a PM from Joy, she offered me to have a play with her new kit Shiny Happy People, which looks like the preview below.

This kit is full of cute doodly happy faces! I had fun playing with it, it is perfect to scrap with your happy moments with your kids or even just your own fun moments! If you are interested and like to purchase the kit, you can click the preview, it will take you to the shop, where she sells it.
I made two different LOs (layouts) with this kit. One is with the photo of my little sister, Grace, and the second one is Our (Lan's and my) happy moments together!
Oh, also, you should visit Joy's blog, she has plenty of gorgeous freebies in offer, here is her blog address:

Additional credit: Cutie Patootie font from Matahati Designs

Last, but not least, thanks a lot, Joy, for the opportunity to play with your new cute kit! I had fun with it.


  1. Lucu bgt, sis. Yg di atas itu adek ya?

  2. I just love these layouts! Great use of the circle frame and nice extraction. :) Thanks!!!

  3. Cute bgt Sher scrapbooknya kali ini. Your little sister is a cutie...

  4. iya bagus sher :)
    gua pengen deh ngutak ngatik scrapbook juga, tapi kapan ya.. kalo mampir kesini pengen.. tapi kalo udah pualng kerja badan rasanya capek bgt hehe.

  5. hmmm, lucu2 tuh. Btw, ini mirip sama scrapbook kah?? :D

  6. keren euy...gimana gitu ngeliatnya...
    selamat pagi....

  7. wah tambah intense ajah, sher...

  8. keren and cute...! salam kenal ya...thanks

  9. hhahha yg orange kocak and cute

  10. You've been very creative these days, ya.. :D
    Keep it up, dear..


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