He's back!

Oh! Let me tell you how glad I am that Lan is back!!! It was like high school romance! LOL! Butterflies in my stomach and smiles just keep hanging on my face! It was as if the flood-gate of joy being opened when I saw him again at the train station!

We talked and talked. He fascinated me with his stories of his Montreal's trip. He said one day he will definitely bring me there for a holiday. Sure, love, anywhere in the world as long as it's with you, I'd go! After the stories, we talked about our feelings... We feel exactly the same about not being with each other. Gosh... he's literally my life! :)

Anyhow, I am so glad and thankful to God that Lan's back safe and sound (although right now he's beyond tired!). I am so proud of him for the two presentations he did! I am sure he did very well on those two! I am swelling with proud to see that his work is published by one of the top -academic- publishers along with other famous and talented Computer Scientists! What a blessing! I don't envy him any more, I feel my pride for him! My husband becomes successful! Thank the Lord for that!

And while he was away... I made this one scrapbook page especially for him and about him and his passion of photography! Glad he likes it when I showed it off to him :D

Digiland Design's Out of The Box Template Pack
We've only just begun (The Fix July 2009) by Libby Weifenbach
Word art from Elegant WordArt by Bethany

Well... several more days to our holiday! Woo hoo! I can't wait! I am so so super excited!


  1. duhhh so sweet , kebayang nih scene Geum Da Ji ketemuan ama Go Jun Pyo ha22
    wahh congrats buat Lan !

  2. Lho, kotanya Montreal yah? Padahal minggu ini disana kan lagi ada turnamen tennis Rogers Cup buat yang laki2 tuh, kategori Masters 1000 loh, wkwkwkw (komen gak nyambung sama sekali :D)

  3. wah sher.. jangan2 di stasiun ada adegan kaya film india ya, lu muter2 di tiang, sambil slow motion nyambut lan hahaha :D

  4. hahaha si viol luthu bangettt
    jadi ngebayangin sherly muterin tiang di stasiun kereta liverpool,....

  5. waaaaaa..
    tinggal di liverpool ya?
    btw, saya penggemar fanatik liverpool FC :)
    salam kenal

  6. aku suka eh scrapbook yg kuning. elegant and jantan halaaah ayaaam kali


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