Off to holidays

See you soon, friends! We are off to holidays now... I am super duper excited to go to Dubai! We've planned our journey and been praying that everything will go well and smoothly. We both can't wait to see my family too!
Holiday mode is ON! :)

Ps. hopefully, by the time this post is published, we are already on the coach on the way to Manchester Airport. :D


  1. Selamat berlibut ya, Sherly dan Lan!
    Semoga senang di sana, ditunggu cerita dan fotonya. :-D

    Eh iya, dari Dubai langsung ke Indonesia atau balik lagi ke Inggris?

  2. wuaaaa... happy holiday sher and lan, have fun ya :D

  3. ditunggu ceritanya, sher...

  4. Beautiful work!
    Please have a little surprise for me after

  5. Happy Holiday Nie ..
    pantesan excited smp super duper hua22
    ditunggu laporan nya

  6. Happy Holiday...
    ditunggu cerita2nya...
    ditunggu oleh2nya he..he..
    ditunggu foto2nya...aduh senangnya bisa travelling terusssss...ngiri banget aku!!!

  7. Wow.. Dubai. Must be very exciting.
    Just write it on your blog, your journey.

  8. wow...asyiknya yang liburan...refreshing time...btw udah kembali dari liburan?


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