
Out of seasons of the year, I love this season of Christmas so much. The festivities, the celebration of Christ, the beautiful twinkling and sparkling lights in the shops and each corner of everywhere, they all warm my heart during the icy cold cruel winter.
It's like, although some people don't really take Christmas as a celebration of Christ's birth, they still celebrate Christmas. They gather together and have Christmas dinner; family, love, warmth and happiness is all around Christmas. I love that.

And although we don't have a Christmas tree up in our home, we will be celebrating Christmas with a proper English Christmas dinner this year, upon Lan's request. So, there will be roasted chicken, gravy and roasted vegetables! Mmmm... deliciously mouth-watering! The last time I cooked proper Christmas dinner was in 2005, when I went to Brighton the first time to visit my brother. Time flies...
We're not having Christmas holiday anywhere except at our own little home this year... simply because Lan is busy with his thesis and I have to prepare a paper to be submitted on 22nd January. So, we will be going to office everyday, probably.

Anyhow, I am grateful that lately it's been rarely raining here in Liverpool. A dry winter is much better, although it is still very very COLD! It's been icy and chilly, so I've been wearing a lot! Never ever go out without mittens, hat, scarf, water-proof coat and boots. Otherwise... brrrrr... >.<

Oh well, that's a little chit chat for today. I am just tired and need to do something other than Computer Science-related things!!! :D


  1. hahaha, aku pingin Christmas segera datang nih soalnya by Christmas, sidang skripsiku sudah lewat, hihihihi :)

    Happy holiday in advance!! :)

  2. sama sher... dari semua holiday, gua juga paling suka ama christmas!!! rasanya gimanaaaa gitu ya.. :D

  3. dingin banget yak di sana? ^^ jadi pengen liak u pake berlapis-lapis gitu ^^
    sukses papernya, yach! :) buat lan juga sukses thesisnya :)
    sama-sama menantikan Christmas, neh :D

  4. wahh udah siap2 prepare dinner buat Christmas ... ntar di poto2 yak !

  5. Wah mo masak2 untuk christmas dinner... pasti enak2 makanannya.. ntar liat foto2nya ya Sher...
    sama, kt jg ga kemana2... krn kantornya dendi cuma libur pas tgl merah doank, so stay @home ajalah. :-)

  6. aku yang ga ngerayain christmas aja, ikut2an ngerayain loh...ikut2an sibuk dekor pohon natal.. tokoku malah dah nuansa natal loh :P

  7. kayanya pada paling seneng yah kalo natal tiba , kalo gw sih masi teteb sincia :)

  8. gua juga paling suka natallll.. walaupun disini gak secakep disana, tapi tetep suka lah hehehe..
    kalo si jen mah, gua tau ngincer angpau nya hahaha..


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