
This week I was SO busy. I mean, really... somehow there were so many things to do; tutorials and teaching, a friend's party, and many other things! I feel so tired and exhausted!
Thank God I managed to do the things I am supposed to do, including baking the cupcakes I promised I'd do for the friend's party. I am glad everyone liked them (or so they said!).
We were glad to come to our friend's (Dirk) farewell party. He's one of our colleagues in the Computer Science Department and he's leaving for Madrid in a few weeks for a new job. We wish him all the best and hope that he'll enjoy the sunshiny Madrid, which is much better than the gloomy Liverpool! LOL! We saw some of our old friends there too. It was nice to have a chat with them and catch up with each other's news. :)

Oh well... a new week is starting tomorrow... Gonna be busy again, but I hope I can make more progress for my research than this week. >.< Time is ticking!
I pray that The Lord will strengthen me to do all that I have to do. Amen!


  1. gua kebalikannya nie, wiken kemaren gua santai abisss hehehe.. wiken besok nih baru full jadwalnya :)
    jangan capek2 say, udah mau xmas :D

  2. Sama kaya Viol, weekend kmr aku jg santai2 di rumah :-) maen Mario Wii sampe tamat.. :p but next weekend gonna be busy though.

    Have u bought christmas presents yet Sher? ^^ Wah baking cupcakes? liat donk foto2nya. hehe...

  3. idem Nie , aku juga cape bgt & jenuh . maunya cepet2 bisa liburan n kabur lagi !
    wahh kita koq ga kebagian cupcakes nya ? wahh seneng nya ketemu old friends .. wahh kebayang temen mu mau ke Madrid ikut donk he222

  4. haha, sama nih wiken ini juga sibuk bgt, seminggu sebelum sidang banyak yg harus dikerjain... :-(

  5. sama kayak viol, weekend kemaren kita menyantaikan diri... hahaha. enak banget nyantai2 pas weekend gitu... :D

    but anyway, sometimes perlu juga busy ya. itu tandanya lu masih ada kegiatan, masih sehat, masih punya temen, dll... :)

  6. Sama Nie, klo aq sibuknya seh dikerjain anak2...:)


  7. wah nie,jangan lupa istirahat dan jaga kesehatan ya. minum vitamin supaya tetap fit di hari2 yang penuh dengan kesibukan..

    sukses ya buat ur research and everything :)

    God bless you


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