I am UTTERLY happy today!

I am so so HAPPY today! I feel so blessed both by The Lord and Lan today! :)
It has been a day full of surprises and blessings.
This Christmas, I knew I got my very first book of 40 scrap-layouts printed out from Lan. However, somehow, the book, which had been sent a month ago, has not yet arrived at our door post! I am quite upset about it as I was so excited and looking forward to getting it in my hands very much. I am so glad though, that the printing company has been very generous by reprinting and re-sending it again.
My husband, with his so kind heart, saw me upset and gave me nice surprises today. On the way to Tesco to buy grocery today, he picked up some treats for me. I got some nice orange juice, some all-butter shortbread cookies and this new baby that I've been wanting!

1TB hard drive, isn't that sweet? With all the scrapping that I do, my laptop was getting crowded. So, I've got this new baby sitting on my table now :) Thanks, Honey!

Then... you know what? The Lord answered my prayer of wanting WHITE Christmas! It's been snowing on and off these few days and rain always came too soon to wash it away... BUT, tonight, yes, TONIGHT, I suddenly had the urge to peak out of the window... it was heavily snowing! So... I asked Lan whether we can go and play outside to take some photos. It was FUN! We played outside so happy... And we took lots of photos, which are waiting for me to scrap with!

Well, I am here, simply because we decided to return home because our camera was getting quite wet :D Still... I am SO HAPPY today! :)

Thank you, LORD!

Ps. Do you like my blog's new look? :D


  1. Sher, di sana kl printing scrapbook bagus2 ga hasilnya? Pk glossy paper or what type of printing paper do they use over there? Soalnya aku bikinin untuk sodaraku, diprint di Indo, katanya warnanya jd jelek :( pdhl resolusinya dah 300px.

    Btww wah senengnya dpt 1TB hard-disk, jd bisa lebi banyak download2 scrapbook stuff ya 'n of course untuk hasil2 scrapbook km jg.

    OMG, i really want to play with the snow.. make me jealous, sweating now, puanas.. haha.. enjoy the christmas eve & christmas day ya Sher, baking a roast? nyamnyam

  2. aaaa!! saljuuuu!!! aku ya pengen maen saljuuuu T____T

  3. sher, ur new layout blog is nice... wow maen snow... mau dunk ikutan hehe....
    happy xmas eve n merry xmas yach 2 u n ur hubby n enjoy the holiday time...

  4. Waaaaa saljuan hehhe

    Warna templatenya disesuaikan ama natal nih ?!

    Merry Christmas ya..Wishing you and Lan have very good holidays

  5. 1 TB? wow... gede banget, puas donk ya :D
    hiks disini kagak ada salju, padahal gua kan pengen white xmas jugaaaaa.....
    i do like your new template sher, sweet :D

  6. 1 TB buat nyimpen downloadan film BDrip (MKV)lumayan tuh lumayan buat koleksi :D

    Jadi ingat dulu tahun 1998 10GB aja sudah ngerasa guede banget sekarang sudah sampe 1 TB.

    anyway, selamat natal dan tahun baru 2010 ya, sukses selalu...

  7. Turut seneng krn temenku senang ..he22

  8. Merry Christmas for you and Lan!!! *lemparin Sherly pake snowball* hehehehe

    Love the blog's new look! Pertanyaanku sama nih, kalo kita abis bikin layout scrapbook buat diprint, diprintnya pake glossy paper di photo stdio gitu kira2 oke ga ya hasilnya?

  9. haha, keren koq layout-nya :-)

    Wah, salju!! Katanya di Eropa lagi parah bgt ya musim dinginnya??

  10. wahhh bagus banget new look nya, sher
    merry christmas.....

  11. wuah cocok sekali sama hobby-nya yak...pas banget :)

  12. iya suka layout barunya , lucu lucu :)))
    wah 1 tb , manteb yah sher :D


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