One Day in The Chocolate Shop

As I was trying to sit on one of the high chairs, one lady stared at me... "Odd... in a weather as cold as this, this Asian girl is eating a cone of ice cream?!", that's probably what she thought of me, since she didn't stop staring at me until the time she left the shop.
I have been carving for an ice cream several days, and so, I had an ice cream. I felt a bit misplaced by the way she stared at me, but the feeling quickly faded and replaced by a thought of many things as I stared out of the window...

The shop is located in the middle between a train station and a big shopping centre. It serves some hot beverages, cakes, ice creams and chocolates. Whether people wants to just enjoy something warm or pop in for a gift (chocolate is handy for a gift, you know.), it is there to satisfy its customers with nice and friendly staffs. However, it was not that which fascinated me.

I saw people...

I saw couples holding hands and often kissing lightly. They looked happy, but... do they really have the feeling of appreciation having their partner close to them? Or is it just lust? Well, they might not know how it feels to be far away from each other and being unreachable easily. "Never mind, I was just wondering", I said to myself.

I saw a daughter hugging her mum, who just arrived into this town to visit her daughter. They looked happy, I sensed and saw it on their faces. The wide smiles and the emotions flowed through when they hugged. My feelings mingled... tears almost came unwelcomely. The scene I saw, potrayed an important relationship between mother and her child. Without any command, my brain brought back the memory regarding my mother... I missed her and wished her to be close to me. "One day you'll see her again and be close to her everyday, don't worry...", I mumbled.

I saw a business in that area... people were talking and chatting about Christmas is coming. Many were holding plastic bags; small and big. They were probably Christmas presents. Do they know the true meaning of Christmas? Or has it became merely a time of buying and getting Christmas present; expecting things that you really wanted on the Christmas day? They possibly got 'eaten' by the media and all the advertisements around them. Yes, nowadays, the time like Easter and Christmas has became the time of the year where all those big industries and shops get the most of their profits. Have humans become insane? Buy, buy and buy... It is the only thing they tell you to do. We try to earn money and it is not easy. Getting a job has become harder than ever before. But... the world seems okay with that, what can I say?!

I also saw some nuns going in the direction to the station. Ah... my soul wanted to fly home. It may seemed so unrelated, but to me, that how I interpreted what those nuns were doing. Christmas... How nice to be at home during this time. Eventhough, it may not feel Christmassy there as much as it is here... "The time will come soon..." I whispered to myself.

And as I was finishing of my ice cream and stopping myself from wondering further away, I heard a song slowly came up on the speakers they had in the shops...
"And so this is Christmas and what have you done? Another year over, a new one just begun. And so this is Christmas... I hope you have fun..."

Oh well, it was just one day in the chocolate shop...
It's a song by John Lennon, by the way, in case any of you don't know.


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