Dissertation & Packing Up

Hello people! I hope you all were not wondering whether I am away again or not. This week I've been going to Campus regularly to see my supervisor and get some books from the library. My dissertation starts this week... plenty of reading, thinking and programming to do. So please pray for me.
With the summer holiday started already, the campus is so empty now... the undergraduate students are enjoying their holidays, but not us, the postgraduate, we still have to study. Anyway, soon in three months time, I will be finished. And hopefully, have a job waiting for me *fingers crossed!*

Apart from that, I am also in the middle of packing my stuff up. Yep! I am moving to a different dormitory. Since my contract will end on 10th June 2006, I have to find some where else to live. I cannot stay longer here, because during the summer this dormitory is booked for conferences. It was quite hard finding a place to live during this time of the year *it's like the odd time of the year* Thank God I found it. The place is quite nice; in the campus area, close to city center and the rent is cheaper than the place I live right now (although I have to share the bathroom, whereas here, I have my own ensuite.). Oh well, it's just for three months anyway...

What else have I been doing? I have been watching movies a lot these days... I meant, movies that I downloaded . I knit while I watch movies, so sometimes, I concentrate more to the knitting than the movie hehehe... but still, it's fun. I think that's all for now. It's quite late, I think I better go to sleep.

Have a blessed weekend, everybody! God bless you all!
Ps. It's June already... Time flies!
Only those lovers that can compromise with one another without feeling stressed are truly in love.

- Unknown


  1. Waaa... selamad... moga2 nambah betah di tempat yang baruw... ^_^ foto2 donk.. (loh?). Hehehehe.. :D

  2. Shier, 3 bulan sangat tidak terasa, apalagi dibarengi semangat menjajakkan kaki di kampung tecinta, setelah itu kamar terbaik sdh menantimu. Kamar yang menjadi kerinduan kita dimanapun berada...

  3. Sher, gw doain smoga semua lancar yah, mulai dari disertasi dan pindahannya, perlu bantuan ga?

    happy wikeen..

  4. wah pindahaannn
    jangan lupa mesesnya loh

    *ikutan bantu gotong2*
    smoga dapet kerjaan baru ya

    *berdoa sungguh2*
    dan smoga bs pulkampung
    makan rujak cigur, pecel sama mie kluntung


  5. gak kerasa memang. ikut berdoa....semoga hasilnya memuaskan. and semoga betah di dorm barunya...

  6. met pindahan!!!

    sibuk, but stay strong for another 3 months yah!!

    gilek dia knitting sembari nonton hehehe, kalo daku mah, bisa2 jariku yg kena tergulung2 sama benang2 =D

  7. pindahan? wah ... mau dibantuin ga? hihihi ... apa kabar sher? :)

  8. selamat menempati homebase baru kalo gitu ... smoga betah yaa ..

  9. huhu moga2 targetna tercapai yah..
    3 bln doank boo..

    ih kirain km pindahan langsung k indo..

  10. Hi Sherly , pingin bantuin sih apa daya jaraknya jauh*basa-basi mode on* :)moga disertasinya lancar,moga nanti dapat tetangga yg baek :)GBU

  11. slamat menempati home baru, smoga betah n' smoga studynya lancar2 aja n' cepet lulus....

  12. wihhh... sibuk bikin dissertation plus pindahan ya sher...
    Gutlak buat semuanya ya jeung...
    After 3 months, mari kita berburu mie surabayan... *yuuuukkkkk...* :D

  13. Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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