God Knows

When You feel tired and hopeless because all your efforts turn out to be nothing,
God knows how hard you have tried.
When You cried for so long, yet your heart is still painful,
God has counted your teardrops.
When you think that your life is waiting for something and time goes so fast,
God is waiting with you.
When you feel lonely and your friends are too busy to call you,
God is always by your side.
When you think you have tried everything and don't know what else to do,
God has the answer.
When everything does not make sense and you feel depressed,
God can calm you down.
When you suddenly see a trace of hope,
God is whispering to you.
When everything goes well and you feel like giving thanks,
God has blessed you.
When something beautiful happens and you are filled with awe,
God has smiled to you.
When you have visions to fulfill and dreams to make them come true,
God has opened you eyes and called you by name.
Remember that wherever you are facing...
GOD knows.


  1. Waaaah... post yang ngepas banget. Malam ini aku juga baru saja "dibisiki". Untuk cerita lengkapnya ada di blog ku sekarang. N sorry sebagian puisimu tak quote. Semoga tidak apa apa. Kalo keberatan bilang saja ya ?

  2. sher..thank you for this beautiful posting...jadi bener2 di-ingetin lagi

  3. aaaa
    pindah rumah pindah rumah
    cape non?
    *pijet pijet*

    sukses buat thesisnya

  4. beautiful!!

    sher, aku minta ijin yah, ku copy paste ke hapeku =)

  5. nice poem Sher...

  6. Hmmm. Aku mo nanya, ini bikin sendiri atau ambil? kalau ambil, ambil dari mana? :) Keren kalau bikin sendiri....

  7. Sher, kayanya aku pernah baca puisi ini deh.. Kamu yang bikin ya? Wuahhh, kagak sangka euy pinter bikin puisi.. hehe..

  8. waaaaaaaa..kereeeeeeeeenn.... puisinya kereennn ...

  9. wah....versi bahasa indonya kyanya pernah aku publish....dari jaman dulu kala deh say hehehe..

    Pa kabar nie, lagi sibuk apa nih....keep in HIs spirit yach sist.

  10. Puisinya kereen.. sherly emang top dah..

    btw aku bikin lemparan buat dirimuw sher.. kerjain yah

  11. Nice posting trully... aku kutip ya.
    (baru sekarang bisa balas blogwalkingnya, maaf ya sis...)

  12. Sher, ada apa postingnya kok sedih ya...? Atau hanya random post aja? Puisi ini ngasih inspirasi bgt, salah satu puisi fave-ku. Temenku pernah kasi ini buat temennya ketika pacar temennya itu meninggal.

  13. waaah,..jgn cedih dong tante sherly
    tetep semangat !!

  14. Tuhan maha tahu, pengasih dan penyayang. GBU

  15. be blessed u.. coz God knows u.. however n wherever u r.. :)


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