international relationship, impossible?!

After a conversation with Lan yesterday, I cannot stop myself from thinking about the 'future' of our relationship. With the uncertainty of our own future; where we would be, what we would do, will we get a job after the graduation, it seems that the deadline of our relationship will be on the 5th September 2006, that is the day I fly home. No. Not that we don't have the faith for us and not that we don't want to do our best to make it happen. It's just that too many questions and possibilities ahead.
This story of mine sounds so sad to myself. Maybe it is just too much; he is from Beijing, I am from Indonesia and we met in England. It is a complexity to us.
He has a job waiting at home, I have a family responsibility to take and don't know where I end up after the graduation. It is like... we try to talk through it but all we get is an empty answer, simply null.

Despite all, I still believe there is always a chance and a possibility for us to make it through. We both know it will not be easy, but as long as we support each other, I think we will be fine. After all, life is a journey (of happiness), sometimes you have to feel the pain and sadness to be able to appreciate the happiness and peace.
I feel that part of me wants to go home but another part wants to stay and not parted from him. Because... I will never know when I will see him again, since his plan of coming to Bali on my birthday is still uncertain. And even if I see him again, will it be the same situation or will it be awkward?
Too many reasons and other people to consider about... And of course, the distance. But, too many sweet memories for this to let go easily.

Whether we make it or not, don't forget the promise we made on 27th June 2006.
Let us meet on 14th Febuary 2030, in front of Sydney Jones Library, where it all begun. I hope we can, at least, make this promise comes true.

As for our relationship, can we make it?


  1. sher,
    if u said that intl relationship is impossible, than it will be impossible..

    jadi kesimpulannya sih standar.. jalanin aja..
    God will show u the way, the best way for both of u..

  2. always hope for the best. :)

    yap, there is always a chance and a possibility. a chance of mistake or even a chance of happiness.. 50-50 :)

    "que sera-sera.
    what ever will be will be.
    the future's not ours to see.
    que sera, sera,
    what will be, will be."

    laahh.. jadi nyanyi. :lol:

  3. sher..jadi ikut sedih nih bacanya..hope all the best for you yah..mudah2 an kalian bisa dipertemukan langi on 2030..

  4. waaah positif thinking dunx Sher!:D

    if u believe it, nothing is imposible:)


  5. jalanin dulu aja Sher, biarpun kalyan berjauhan but klo' dah jodoh pasti akan ketemu jg, yg penting kalian berdua saling mendukung n' komunikasi lancar, gak ada salahnya kmu crita ke keluargamu ttg hubunganmu so kmu gak merasa sendiri, siapa tau keluargamu (specially your parents)bisa ngasih advice yg baik buat kalian...

    I pray for your happiness...
    btw makasih ya ucapan n' doanya...
    GBU sist...

  6. bener! jalanin aja, jodoh ngga lari kemana koq xixixi... nikmati aja. Pengalaman pribadi bow, gw 7 taon itu 5 taonnya jauhan say...

    btw SB-mu ngambek yaks...

  7. nothing is impossible
    optimis dunk sher...

  8. hehehe...wah sher....berat sich berat, but kalo gak dicoba work or not khan gak tau...ya khan ??

  9. waduh waduh... rumit memang hubungan jarak jauh. but I hope you'll find the best way for your future sister...

  10. Wah.. complicated juga, ya?.. Tapi, mungkin ini yg disebut "bayar-harga"? Ehm.. any way, gak ada yg mustahil bagi Dia, kan, Sher? ;-)

  11. asal dijalanin bener2 dan serius, ayoo.. smua halangan rintangan bisa disingkirkan! heuheuhe.. moga2 bisa awet ya jeng..

  12. hi cantikk pha kabar ??/

    kalian khan masih muda ...jalan masih panjang many thing can happen ...kalo kalian percaya and saling cinta to each other semua pasti possible .......

    look at ya tante and om....3 tahun berjauhan we made it ..pasti selalu ada jalan deh .....pokonya enjoy ajah ....

  13. sher...
    jalanin aja dulu...banyak loh temen antar-race gw yg LDR & jadi ampe married juga.....
    & emang mesti ada yang ngalah....pindah negara or yaa cari negara yang netral gituhhh..
    Just pray and God will give you answer, and it'll the best for both of you...

  14. hmmm God will make everything beautiful in His time Sher *hugs*

  15. jalanin aja ya sist ... jodoh sih ga akan kemana. daripada mikirin ini lebih baik hepi2 aja ... dinikmati! hehehe ..

  16. Sher, mungkin cuma dikit saranku. Gini saja, tentukan dulu prioritasnya. Prioritas bagi kalian berdua. Dari situ ambil yang prioritasnya bisa mencakup ke lebih banyak aspek dibanding lainnya.

    Dalam setiap hubungan selalu ada yang harus mengalah. Tinggal siapa yang mau mengerti. Itu saja.

  17. nie, udah kayak di pilem-pilem yak, heheh
    semoga jadi bertemu di thn 2030...
    eniwei, relationshipnya kan bisa terus berjalan. ada email, hp, dsb...

    cuma kadang kita sebagai manusia, seiring dengan waktu, jarak pasti bikin kita jarang kontek-kontekan. alasannya sibuk. semoga nggak dengan elo dan lan yah...

  18. Kata orang tua... kalau memang jodoh gak akan ke mana-mana mbak. :) Hmmm.. daripada mikirin masa depan, lebih baik mikirin masa kini aja. Jalani aja yang udah ada.. :D

  19. Hallo, sorry lagi blogwalk trus baca blognya sher. Kok sedih banget ceritanya? :( jangan putus asa dong. You can if you think you can. Dulu aku pikir juga impossible, nyatanya nggak kok. so keep on praying, keep the faith and do the best. Jalanin aja..

  20. Nie, rahasia waktu...
    Jalanin saja dulu. Toh waktu yg akan menjawabnya nanti.
    Kalau dia memang untukmu, maka jarak dan waktu akan hanya menjadi penguat dan penguji rasa.
    Tapi kalau dia bukan untukmu, artinya memang dia bukan yang terbaik untukmu.

    Kata-kata memang gampang untuk diucapkan. Tapi babak itu sudah aku lewati.

    Smile!!! Perjalan kamu masih panjang. Bersemangat ya.

  21. say, aku juga suka mikir soal long distanceku...

    trus ada temenku yg bilang, pokoke enjoy all the moments and treasure the time dulu... try hard to make it work and compromise... yg penting kita ga give up ditengah jalan...

    all the best ya buat dikaw dan Lan!! Semoga janji di tahun 2030 terjadi dengan manis =D

  22. Hallo Sher! Pa kabar? Bukan hanya int relationship ajah yang susah. Punyaku ajah sama2 satu negara, n ketemu di A'dam juga bikin pusing tujuh keliling.

    Mungkin bukan antar negaranya yang susah, cuman emang qta masih sama2 muda, Sher, blom ngerti masa depan apa yang ada buat qta.

    Luc ajah sekarang juga bingung mo gimana, kalo dipikirin juga tambah bingung, ga tau jalan mana yang terbaik. Cuman Luc sekarang cuman ikutin kata hati, kalo udah mentok baru de give up. Sama berdoa, moga-moga kalo emang jodoh ga bakal lari kemana.

    Jangan sedih ya, Sher. Enjoy ajah masa2 kalian lagi bersama sekarang, kalo emang jodoh nti pasti ketemu lagi, sapa tau nti kalo dia udah mapan malah jemput kamu di Indo :).

  23. don't give up, Sher, why you decide already if it's impossible?
    u can do what u want, living with him or not.

  24. we will, my dear.. we will...
    (berbisik pelan)


  25. tenang say..bisa...gue di batam, si doi di america. akhirnya ngumpul hehe

    good luck ya, sher..all the best

  26. Kenapa ketemu lagi tahun 2030? Uhhh it's a very hard situation, I must say that I've been there before and it didn't work out. Not that I want to turn you down. Only time will answer if your love will survive.

    Problem is, you'll have less chance to meet and to communicate with each other, secara logis n realistis perlahan2 akan "ngurangin" perasaan terhadap masing2. BUT if you guys are truly serious and you want it to work out... there is a line my boyfriend gave me a while ago that I need to share with you

    "Janganlah berjanji pada perasaan, tetapi berjanjilah pada kesetiaan."

    Good luck Sher, and whatever decisions you take and make, God will lead you through!

  27. ngga ada yang impossible sih sher. gue juga dulu sama mantan (sekarang hubby :D) long distance. sama2 berat ninggalin dunianya masing2. tapi rencana Tuhan emang indah dan kita cuma perlu menunggu waktuNya.
    jalanin aja, dan tunggu jalan yang terbaik dari Dia :)...GBU

  28. my sista............
    apa sih yang menurutmu impossible? ngga selamanya yang kita kira itu impossible akan menjadi selamanya impossible. you know kan!
    believe in miracle, believe in what God wants for us. itu yang terbaik :)
    kalopun nantinya Mr.Lan itu emang untukmu, ya mungkin memang itu yang terbaik yang diberi Tuhan untukmu :) OK!
    boso jowone, yen wis wayahe yo wis tho, kari ditompo ae. tapi yen rung wayahe, masio dipekso yo angel. ok! :)
    take it easy sis!

  29. Sherly, aq blm kenal kamu, tapi bc postingan ini aq ikut sedih dan ngerasain ga enaknya. Mudah2an semua dapat yang terbaik ya... dan semoga kitanya dikuatkan nerimanya... salam kenal ma Lan...semangat!


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